Thursday, November 24, 2005
Best Wedding Card Message Pearl Jam Tomorrow
Well, that ...
Yeah, yeah, I know, I stink, but plays PEARL JAM!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Wedding Card Funny Messages uncle_wally @ 2005-11-14T21:49:00
One of the five CDs and asked me more and just send the other lists, so I'll probably start going more or less okay with this and I can unhook one more time ... Here
leave the lists that I have made so far (I have like 60 cds and still remains to be elaborate) in case anyone is interested in something ...
Batman DC
Image and other publishers Marvel
Vertigo - Dark Horse
So figure what I have publisheded in DeRemate to eight each ...
And here is the link these shirts to DeRemate (thanks to
are made of cyber me so I'm another day ...
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Age Spots More Condition_symptoms hermione_jg @ 2005-04-26T23:20:00
This afternoon after school I decided to escape to the kitchen to try to talk to the elves, to explain that may rebel against the tyranny to which they are subjected. I know I should not have done it without permission, but perhaps they would give me? just talked about it with Ronand Harry and I began to mess with me, and make fun of SPEW, which never succeeded because he never supported me enough ... tiny friends! Anyway, I decided to risk it, I can not stand the injustice! Harry told me how to get to the kitchen. The elves were very surprised to see me there, and began to offer food and all kinds of attention ... I can not bear to do that! I can not see how they act as slaves because that's all they understand. I climbed on a chair and began to talk about their rights, they should continue to work for wages, that should be enforced as free to be ... Dobby supported me and responded with an emphasis on all my comments thing that did not seem to sit well with the others that we looked frightened. Buteverything seemed to go well, were very interested and I saw a few others nodded .... until I got out of the chair snapped. It was Filch. Did not hear it coming and almost dragged me out of there. It seemed extremely irritated yet happy with the situation, and as we walked was rejoicing in the punishment that I would, as good concierge was that it was impossible to deceive him ... blabla. And now I'm here, sitting in Filch's office waiting for someone to come and tell me what a bad student I am. He threatened to bring Professor Snape is because according to the most fair and responsible teacher of the school. Please do not come ... it will bring all possible points to Gryffindor, surely there is nothing that makes you more excited. Vald me nothingRa repent of breaking the rules but it was all I could do to defend this injustice.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Car Sales Cover Letter Examples hermione_jg @ 2005-04-13T17:05:00
have long needed some time for me, and think ... but among all the duties that this year we are sending and often need help my teammates, the time that I am not what happened in class in the common room surrounded by books. At the last visit to Hogsmeade took the opportunity to do some shopping that took some time in mind, with the money my parents gave me for Christmas (and still had not spent!). The truth is that most were books on Occlumency, elves, spells on muggles ... plus other books I want to see. I hope my impressions are wrong and not have to use these books ever to algor practical. But you never know ...
On the other hand, life at Hogwarts runs as usual, with typical events between Slytherins and Gryffindors, and I am very angry that Harry also comes into this game (because it is clear that Ron can not help * sigh *) . The other day, without going any further, Draco appeared with enormous ears, evidently after someone using on it one of the 'spells Weasley', the list of Fred and George were ordered to move by the school. Nobody can say who it was, but I have very clear who has had to do with it (and not say the name because you never know whose hands will drop this in here.) The fact is that I know, and although they will call me a killjoy, tengo to say you should not play with that, it would be very bad that he was caught doing something similar and that Dumbledore would not be too proud of his and Molly. and should pay more attention to their classes Occlumency and dreams which has recently been having . I can not deny that it has been very funny to see so Draco was a lesson for 'down a peg', at least for a while, but it is wrong and I hope it's the last time. Also I have a slight feeling that Snape suspected something and closely monitored.
But what really matters happens outside of this school. The party at the Malfoy mansion has already taken place and wonder so much that everything is inlooks so peaceful ... maybe my suspicions are unfounded and in fact was simply a party to celebrate his release from Azkaban. While we are talking about a known Death Eater meeting with many others. I wonder how much the "not-must-be-named has not been in touch with your 'toon' in some way.
And it has been the case of an attack by a secretary muggles ministry also invited to the party of Malfoy. I guess the Order and will be investigating it.
I'll read any new books now that I have a bit of rest. And mmmm I think you should write a letter to Viktor, long ago I do not.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Impotence More Condition_symptoms hermione_jg @ 2005-03-29T18:37:00
But this is not what worries me most now, and after alls only a game of Quidditch. What is disturbing is the unfair out of Azkaban Lucius Malfoy, who is organizing the party (a meeting of Death Eaters in any rule) and that Professor Snape is invited ... and the worst is that it seems that you are attending! and to stop teaching Occlumency Harry. You can not do that! Dumbledore has always trusted him and I have advocated for that trust, and not understand what happens now. I prefer to think it is a maneuver designed both Dumbledore and for others in the Order and that Snape is loyal to its principles and has not fallen into the network-who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I think so ... but if not stop by Dumbledore's office and ask him directly. Tantas questions are driving me crazy. Although now that Harry is going to continue with their classes Occlumency'm much calmer.
Now I stare at her. He spends much time alone ... sometimes outside, sometimes in the common room ... still thinking Harry will? Hope it's not that!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Alvarez Ad60scbk Owners Manual hermione_jg @ 2005-03-14T20:02:00
Anyway ... the school has been so revolutionized lately. And I think one of the biggest problems is the horrible woman (say) Skeeter. Do not understand how the director still lets Dumbledore at Hogwarts, is unbearable! The last "article" has been published about love, exposing a series of lies on many of the inhabitants of Hogwarts. I could not help laughing when I read it, perhaps not aware of the nonsense you say? I love Harry! god ... as if that was possible ... but the worst ... I try to conquer Ron?? Ron??? that stupid!! I hope people do not read that crap ... but the saddest thing is that there are people who stillbelieve what he says that calibrated.
Another important news is without doubt that Lucius Malfoy has been released. Do not know what they think of this the Order, so sometimes I'd talk with them and know what is really going on ... here are a bit isolated from all the latest moves, and that Dumbledore would not tell us never anything to protect us ... but above all, to protect Harry. The worst thing is that I'm afraid that something is moving out there and we can not do anything ... but of course, Dumbledore and blindly trust that will do the best for us to Harry and the entire wizarding world. I do not understand is how Lucius has been released after all charges against him. What kindof justice is this if a faithful servant of the "not-must-be-named out of custody?
And every day becomes more apparent infighting between the houses. I do not know what happens but I think this rivalry is not beneficial to anyone ... even Ginny has been involved in a fight with Pansy ... Ginny ... with how calm she is ... the spirits are very heated around here.
I hope the next Hogsmeade visit to help us calm down a bit ... or know how this will end ..
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Error Returned Creating The Volume uncle_wally @ 2005-02-16T16:49:00
I am very hot.
The teacher talks of the same. Gave a lecture and then always "what has already been reviewed." The truth is very dense.
For practices, we only hands and feet. And even that was repeated last week because we were only two.
Well, the thing is that I just came from there and went to fart. Again we were two and the teacher said you can not start the class unless we are three or more. So we had to leave without having done anything but make a few more copies.
I'm thinking to change my schedule. But for that I have to go to a curso new, starting next week (although still not sure ... not even that ...). Anyway, though it would be even denser to repeat these two months (although it was not a class) I feel I still do not move very little, so it will not be so bad. Besides, I do not pay the first months ... I already pay them, not my fault if we do not move ... The class I guess I'm going to be dissolved. So we should wait until they die to change me on that occasion and that I recognize the first few months.
The thing is, as I have to change because tomorrow I start working on another cyber and beyond the 16 when I go here (Dayle Plas, where I do the course) came in at 15. But I'll see if I can arrange something to get there earlier and salir later another day to compensate.
Working conditions are similar to those here: 7 hours 12 pesos (here is a sixty hour, working eight), 10 machines (here is 23), copier and printer (here are ten meters from the server and always go wrong), no cafeteria, kiosk there will be about ten products (vs. 150, here), I have a single partner (here I have five), which leads to fewer internal problems, and clients are mostly known, because it is opposite my house is, nor do I have per diem ... Fixed schedule in the morning (much better than the rotary I eat here all afternoon or overnight, which makes me sleep all day.)
Anyway, I will not be richer but I'll have less stress ...
Chau ...
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Printable Smithsonian Map And the problems begin
above, and if this were not enough, Rita Skeeter again swarming around here. I smell really, really bad. There is a person trusted, despite the article I wrote about Harry, but if you have the opportunity to not stop writing lies and gossip. I do not want the entire magical community to rethink anything bad about Harry, and less of the Weasley. How dare you say something minimally re wrong ....
And it seems that the Slytherins have found that Malfoy is to go through with the Polyjuice potion. Poor ... I willmake life miserable for these thugs. I think I
off the light. They will start Quidditch games. Hopefully back to win the Cup! would be all a joy for Harry, after all what happened ...