If, after so many surprises, I could see ♥ worse ... I enjoyed it more than 1000 ...% of what I expected VERSAILLES ~ ~ ♥
Thank God expect the return to take Aztec lands to see them again. My eyes still do not believe what they experienced yesterday, to me is like a dream ... a dream that really happened ♥
Beforehand I owe my photos, _, at first , on the premises would not let go and take pictures right now xk only the beautiful memories ♥ (and I will comment below) but can not find the damn cell phone cable. _.
The surprises began from as puto get the VIP, the general gave me my ma 'and Children's Day gift x XDDD I can not forget that xP
To purchase the VIP's in province had to make a few dates before paragraph x on a Tuesday, at 16: 00 am going to stop receiving mails for remote and for a change I am not able to account for x throughout this week of the sale of VIP's, __; there we had several things to do in the United addition , s we had several dates of presentation in the theater, so I was already resigned to stay in the general (well, you know as I am a pessimist when I put my mind), but that day, at 18: 00, to send you a mail x if there was a VIP ticket ... bleh, my dreams xk would not answer meNo fading more and more each day x gave me not even a "No, sorry. Falls below a vip "Nay! not sent me anything. _., so try not to me so many illusions about the VIP and get on with my life as a student (?) and best not to think of the concert.
Until ...
After 9 days I sent the mail, I responded, I was expecting a negative response, but was told that one had not paid and canceled its section, which was a VIP ticket and if they wanted and I * __ *, U, of course I love you! ♥ I responded immediately and the next day I made the deposit and you sent me that point was due and I * 0 * ohfuckingyeah! XD, andI was JUST thinking was one of the surprises that would optener by Versailles (?)
The day of the concert, is decir...13/06/10 ~ (after two days without sleep bn x my review x softy emotions English nor the concert '-')
started the day yesterday in automobile Celayork leaving with
Upon reaching the 8 and horn ... I saw them play in the general 136, 137 and 138 (if my memory serves me) and me in the VIP at 53, I felt at first that was a number something big boy ... but when he was like 200 or so VIPS, ps I do not so sad XD.
after desayudar already (thanks girls x ♪ quesadilla cheese ... xD), we went to sightsee a bit in the subway, went to Bellas Artes, a Japanese Garden this to the other side of town xP where we were unfortunately is very deteriorated, but still tiene very essence as a Japanese and I welcome: 3, is a rather quiet, and the Zocalo, in this we were like two hours because there was a production well grandototota to see the World Cup soccer, you know soccer fever ... I'm not such a fan of football rather w ^ ^, or for any sport, but to see if I like X part of the crown, since I do not follow that national or legs xP, We got to see AlemaniaVsAustrialia and ps was pretty good, but I thought xk Germany was half crappy in soccer and got pretty good goals, thus leaving for Germany 4-0 (but then gave me little pain and poor Australians, or;)
Returning to the 4 still did not form so again take care to eat(I a pancake thanks to Ross-chan) and drink some water, being as the 5 we started to form and build the gift table, there I found again Sunako-chan that he had seen in man ana xD and again asked who was XD LOL, damn ... what xD preVersailles had the effect, the net left me eager to talk more with her and other girls ♥
From left to right:
cellist: Yuki, Angel: Hizaki, Toystory's ET (?) XD: Teru and Azteca's Calendar: Kamijo
And ... holy rain after bn strong that we falls while we were in line and the Circus bn ungrateful that we do not squeeze themselvesThat fucking u.ú (well. .. the fucking was us xD), in line while I met two girls who were before me, Diana-Chan (who was dressed quite as Gothic Lolita) and Jasmin- Chan, two really cool girls that while we were talking but had rain (the good thing is that most 'of Diana-Chan was bringing an umbrella, if there were like wet dog XD) to the time we were faster.
Arriving horn 6 and we were getting to the site, first to the VIP's, and waaaa, here comes my other ;_____; softy emotions is at the forefront of the place where it was to put Hizaki Hizaki-sama ♥, carah ! my favorite member of the band \\ (* O *) / well was an achievement for me grandototote: _D, there were another time and cawhile giving cho 8, but like me did m not so heavy as usual, xk we seemed to only offer in line XD talkative parrot, and that alijeró timeout.
Arriving at 8, began to emerge: first ~ Oh Yuki, Yuki * 3 * is so guapin and Delgadina * w * so I was shocked when I saw a full, well that is very high '-' or at least I saw: 3, then Teru that ouch! I packed down there if xD is highly dynamic the boy! bn great on stage and out of this \u0026lt;3, is in love with her attitude, then ... ains of to not only remember, O,, I mourn! HIZAKI came out and I had my hands trembling and my eyes all tearful but smiling to see it: _D and last Kamijo, sosexes as always XD Masahi, very handsome indeed * ¬ * (the bass player help ... or not as you say oo), could see the 5 very good ^ w ^, but more to HIZAKI Ü
My favorite songs there; Synphony Aristocrats (which were to start with \\ (* O *) /), Serenade (with that I got MEGAFUCKING EMO! ;____; Jasmineee! is seen that when all his nombrabamos name after your name the whole band was very grateful to us ♥) PALACEEEE GOD!! ♥ 's when my poor balloon tossed Kamijo and stay in the bars and one of the staff gave it to me with everything screamed xk km chest to give it xD; broke, OR, but still keeping a small piece of Balloon 3 ...In short, he said ... GOD PALACE was for me the best of the night, and more at the end as singing Kamijo * O *) / nono, this song is leading to gold is my favorite, both as a CD version in Concert: _D there tmb xD m out a few tears, to deny it.
And also love Silent Knight! ♥, LOVE DEEPLY A HIZAKI there! God, as was moving the sickly, sweet delicadito dn * u * I fall in love solos: _3, like those of Teru, Teru although enjoyment but their own, in Reminiscence. Wow! and encompassed the stage and interact with all and more when at their hearts with their hands * o *) / all cutesito! and more as we smiled ^ ^ bn cute! and Hizaki greeted me several times Ü tmn smiling a little and little fingers and elegant *____* bn there but I felt the girl in the world lucky bitch x even thousandths of seconds!.
And waaaa, first was the balloon that I got from Kamijo then guess what? ...
I could get a chisel of Hizaki throwing for the stage, was to my feet and x near from inertia to grab me down fast before someone else grabbed it and if I could get * O *, then at the end of concert when the members began to throw more things, and I tried to get out a little corner to go fast to buy original goods, there in the corner Hizaki, Kamijo, Teru and Yuki came para grasping hand * o * I was already bn clueless (and I started to put a little wrong, if just to say that when you try to grab a bottle of water that threw me cai Hizaki. _., but more xk x empujadero was under pressure gun is m .__.; and both ears buzzed me having no idea> u \u0026lt;) / and try not to do so and shake more, after Yuki starts launch their Batac and fell in front of me and the grip, there again I started screaming and jumping xD (¬ ¬ oh, not that it would make no sudden movements, brat? ¬ u ¬; XD)
And finally, before signing autographs, I went with Diana and Jasmine to see things as urinals ... no habia NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING and I, or, no longer buy anything from memory. _.; but released the balloon net x Kamijo, Hizaki Latch of the drums and Yuki was enough memories for a lifetime & hearts ;
And in signing autographs and was (to everyone I said "Thank you for coming to Mexico" Kamijo only he understood me XD, no came m things my poor head. _.; of softy emotions XD):
Teru: Haha, it was so nice there m the boy *-* and more by signing xD, and more with its "grashias" (Thank you), when I said Thank You ... shalala, I just smiled XD. Kamijo
: haha, if your gaze hits canyon, I grabbed the hand rather strong compared to others when youI said my sentence I said smiling at Thank You n / / n before m sign = D and m final also said grashias xD and I said "You Welcome" wow, is that my brain was serving in groin , s at that time, I m afraid oo xD Yuki
: ains, m also so cute smile xD, and more to see with their Bataca ^ - ^, also with the sentence I m not understood very well xD. Hizaki
and end: I cry softy emotions Hizaki-sama * O *) / and I smile and I was lookin at the eyes directly tender the canijillo bn * O * I wanted to ask if he could give her a hug m or telling him that I admire very much and I amooo! Nomas ♥ but there was like saying, my ideas in my head did not connect with my willngua and more to see Hizaki, gave me his tender hand and also said "grashias" with even m forgetting that my sentence xD, stunned me a lot, but do not blame him XD.
Anyway, for me has been one of my best experiences in my short but beautiful life, from how I could get the VIP to the fanmeeting ♥ seriously I feel very lucky, but what I am in life, are things that one if you want one with the heart is true. When I went to my ma's house to collect
Versailthem on stage are great, look great dolls in action! I hope and turn to go around over here * o *) / me again cheese if it hurts the neck, can not speak bn x lo hoarse, my legs hurt and especially the arms, and would go to see a ♥
again Versailles, MEXICO loves them! and expect extrañay return again! ♥