A pig he is so: first dry feed promptly inserted into the water, and then diligently trying to get his paw out of the water, then all paws - just in case - and then watch them here paws where neither getting ...
So who is next?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Polycystic Overies More Condition_symptoms shambalaika @ 2011-01-29T11: 28:00
Indeed the original works (or I'm not out there looking for). So I have yet to count them and see the old, good and eternal ...
In February, by the way, the theater will be "The Cherry Orchard." In programmke says something like "the history of Russian families experiencing economic difficulties." Come watch. Have already downloaded Russian statement to refresh your memory and feel the difference.
In February, by the way, the theater will be "The Cherry Orchard." In programmke says something like "the history of Russian families experiencing economic difficulties." Come watch. Have already downloaded Russian statement to refresh your memory and feel the difference.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Double Vision More Condition_symptoms Everything little by little
Inara, I certainly would when meeting something banged! I want a normal pet, which can be ironed, squeeze and all. And it now does not throw the same ...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Heart Murmer More Condition_symptoms shambalaika @ 2011-01-09T21: 16:00
otryat with frank incomprehension. Even the girl Lena from St. Petersburg, with whom we go to Catalano, made big eyes and asked again:
- So you do that, Russia has already studied English??
strange reaction some.
- So you do that, Russia has already studied English??
strange reaction some.
When Is Boxed Heart Conversion Used shambalaika @ 2011-01-09T20: 38:00
Insufferable longing millet porridge. And she has already cooked for 10 minutes, and I walk in circles and sniff. And the wait is not the strength, but not undercooked - not get any pleasure:)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Haemolytic Anaemia More Condition_symptoms Gardening delight
And I have hyacinths sprout! Too early, of course, but happy!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
What Does Clomphene Citrate Pills Look Like shambalaika @ 2011-01-05T20: 10:00
Ceased to be angry and sulk for the whole world.
washed our clothes.
fed the cat.
Fuck pancakes.
washed our clothes.
fed the cat.
Fuck pancakes.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Ver Wang Wedding Gowns shambalaika @ 2011-01-04T18: 46:00
steal? Hands to tear off this postman ... A seemingly respectable ...
Monday, January 3, 2011
Marriage Congratulations Message shambalaika @ 2011-01-03T19: 54:00
Second man returns home is not soaked with tobacco smoke.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Goitre Condition_symptoms Slides!
This is our jamon:
small den with Kotik:
Kaganer, of course (did not get the normal photograph):
Well, here it is, the hero of the month and symbol of the new year! Emboldened enough to eat from the cup, which stands next to my desk, and then sat in the corner from me and stared:
in my childhood was an adorable catstatue of an elephant from some of the stone. He remembered: "Elephants - Animal useful":)
small den with Kotik:
Kaganer, of course (did not get the normal photograph):
Well, here it is, the hero of the month and symbol of the new year! Emboldened enough to eat from the cup, which stands next to my desk, and then sat in the corner from me and stared:
in my childhood was an adorable catstatue of an elephant from some of the stone. He remembered: "Elephants - Animal useful":)
Metal Core Scooter Wheels And starting 2011 (:
2011, Surprise me, show me, renew! \\ (* U *) /
A single minute is spent in 2010, here I'm on LJ ; XD
I can summarize by 2010 a difficult year, but with many surprises, perseverance, learning, MATURITY (especially this) smiles and experience
The first half of the year for me was the best I had in my life despite being diagnosed with my hormonal problem) was when I started to lose weight, remember that time weighed 91 800 kg D:, and at the end of July and was in 85, D is a huge accomplishment , but it still & amp; iacute; a had a long way to go.
thing about this part: THE CONCERT OF VERSAILLES (the best of this year), the TRIP CANCUN, my average of 100 in the U in the 3rd quarter, the change Uni the new campus.
The second half was quite rare, with many joys but with much weeping TT3, first because of the uncertainty of the race and change the capital D, but this made me meet people that do not stain, I never thought to "socialize"-if I may say so (?) - So I got new friends, the Cervantes lived in all its splendor, I saw foreign boys *¬*... sepsis juju ok, ignore this last xDDDD, peI am especially ro realizandoi a dream ... to be living in the Gto ♥, many lessons from my teachers ( ps .. as job so screwed XD, but my respect, VERY profes-good except for one-cof, cof-o3o-XD) and ends at the end of this semester with an average of 91, not bad for the first half of the race, D.
best of this part: Enrique Bunbury concert, festival Cervantes Inception, Harry Potter 7 Part 1, my birthday \u0026lt;3, New Year and Christmas .
My New Year's resolutions ... I have only ps 3:
- Further bajando a healthy weight and exercise = D finished the year with less than 13,800 kg, with 78 (:, if God wants to get to 70 or 68 and already well served me give you x (:-decide
well x career, this will have to meet at the end of the semester to come, I hope to take the right decision
-Back to the desire for Lolita, something I forgot this last year xD, but again the reins again Lolitiles (:
ps And my desire is that my ma 'and my aunt fence them really well because this year they retire> w \u0026lt;) / qye well worth it! worked hard as teachers (: and lots of health and learning new ... and of course, travel, travel and more travel (:
Now my memereecuento 2010, sis, and I hope you do, juju ~ XD
I can summarize by 2010 a difficult year, but with many surprises, perseverance, learning, MATURITY (especially this) smiles and experience
The first half of the year for me was the best I had in my life despite being diagnosed with my hormonal problem) was when I started to lose weight, remember that time weighed 91 800 kg D:, and at the end of July and was in 85, D is a huge accomplishment , but it still & amp; iacute; a had a long way to go.
thing about this part: THE CONCERT OF VERSAILLES (the best of this year), the TRIP CANCUN, my average of 100 in the U in the 3rd quarter, the change Uni the new campus.
The second half was quite rare, with many joys but with much weeping TT3, first because of the uncertainty of the race and change the capital D, but this made me meet people that do not stain, I never thought to "socialize"-if I may say so (?) - So I got new friends, the Cervantes lived in all its splendor, I saw foreign boys *¬*... sepsis juju ok, ignore this last xDDDD, peI am especially ro realizandoi a dream ... to be living in the Gto ♥, many lessons from my teachers ( ps .. as job so screwed XD, but my respect, VERY profes-good except for one-cof, cof-o3o-XD) and ends at the end of this semester with an average of 91, not bad for the first half of the race, D.
best of this part: Enrique Bunbury concert, festival Cervantes Inception, Harry Potter 7 Part 1, my birthday \u0026lt;3, New Year and Christmas .
My New Year's resolutions ... I have only ps 3:
- Further bajando a healthy weight and exercise = D finished the year with less than 13,800 kg, with 78 (:, if God wants to get to 70 or 68 and already well served me give you x (:-decide
well x career, this will have to meet at the end of the semester to come, I hope to take the right decision
-Back to the desire for Lolita, something I forgot this last year xD, but again the reins again Lolitiles (:
ps And my desire is that my ma 'and my aunt fence them really well because this year they retire> w \u0026lt;) / qye well worth it! worked hard as teachers (: and lots of health and learning new ... and of course, travel, travel and more travel (:
Now my memereecuento 2010, sis, and I hope you do, juju ~ XD
1. What did you do in 2010 you have not done before? ♥
flying, juuuu! (: At first felt miedin but back and was like nothing XD ♥
a pet Awdorar World PAUL XDDDDD *> * ♥
Being in a youth group experience genialinosa religion ... \u0026lt;3 ♥
Living alone, painful, but I Teach mature and really appreciate what you
♥ See Versailles and Enrique Bunbury concert ♥ Be psudopelirroja
*______* xDDDDD-Was supposed to dye my serious purple-
xD ¬ ¬ ♥ Travel to Cancun \u0026lt;3 and love Cancun * 3 * ♥
Cafe de Olla Prepare to study, and study and more study estimating Follow XDDDD ♥
But every year my family ^ 3 ^
2. Will you continue with your New Year's resolutions, or you'll make more for next year?
I would say that different: 3, much less
xD 3. Someone close to you had a child?
If Ö Jazzi my cousin and my friend and my cousin Tere Ale in early 2011, have it (:
4. "Someien close to you died?
Thank God, no: 3
5. What countries visited? None
xD, to see if this year I find it>. \u0026lt;I asked my ma 'yes to see if for the prox. years we see a stroll USA XD x
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
Less crying and more smiles and health and less stress = D juju XDDDDD
7. What date in 2009 will remain in your memory and why?
VERSAILLES's concert \u0026lt;3, and my trip to Canc & uacuI, n * 3 *
8. What was your biggest achievement this year?
stand being alone in Guanajuato, I honestly do not think bear>. \u0026lt;But thanks to the support of my friends and family knew to get ahead;)
9. What was your biggest failure?
Mourn over little things
10. Do you have any illness or injury?
None, D
11. What was the best thing you bought? My new PC
\u0026lt;3 my bed photo and income in the house I'm living now, it's great(:
12. "Whose behavior merited celebration?
My ma \u0026lt;3 as usual * w *) /, my friends and in part ... I * U *) / XD, ok, that was heard bn egocentric, but it's true, I never thought in a year do so many things as I did \u0026lt;3
13. Does the behavior of those who made you feel bad and worried?
Some of my cousins who fought like cats and dogs ¬ ¬, it is not between family):
14. "Where did most of your money? Technology
xD n_n studies
15. Whatthing made you feel really happy?
My concerts, especially to Versailles to be at the forefront in front of Hizaki *_____*)/ and see them smile in Fan Meeting \u0026lt;3, being in Cancun and see such natural beauty, hear the new CD of Moi Dix Mois see HP7, completing the 4 th semester XDDDDD and have 100 on the 3rd (:
16. What song will always remember 2010?
God-Versailles palace, MEGA SONG ;______ , is so great, hermosha \u0026lt;3 think that with that song's core, scream, yell, jump and others in the show is my preferred ;______; the band \u0026lt;3, is also special for me because before the cannot & oacute; kiss the balloon that launched the public and I have that little piece of globitooooo *_____*)/
Haha, the Japs bn ~ XDDDDD little calm, nothing to see in MX * u *) /
17. Compared to last year, are you?:
I. More happy or sad? Still, the two have been the most significant years of my life
II. More thinner or fatter? Much thinner (: 13 kg. Less than last year ... you notice?; W;
Cecy Cecy Vs Dic/2009 31, 31,
Dic/2010 Well at least agree that I am morexDDDDDD pelican and crazy.
III. More richer or poorer? Less debt is important ~ (: and thanks to the extra dinerin that came to my ma at the end of the year
18. What things would you have liked to do more?
Go to concert , EA; _;, see Tom TwT FELTOM in Mexico City and go to the inn Visual):
19. What things do you wish you had done to a lesser extent? Less
nervous and imposed (the latter I think that I will never take off xD)
"I leave the same as last year LOL XD-
20. H owor did you spend Christmas? Calm and happy
: D! very fancy cookie
22. Do you fall in love in 2010?
No, 2010 will not be reached xDDDDD wedding, and I doubt tmb 2011, but hey, let's see what surprises this new year brings us (:
23. How many relationships one night?
4562396523 (?)... no! XD
24. What was your favorite TV show?
local TV: Woman killed I and II, the III desepciono me enough = / and Farandula 40! love Horacio Villalobos and his criticism frivolous but true!
of animes Shiki XD * ¬ *, thebest anime I saw in the year *-*)/ Worship Muroi-Sama, but ultimately left me and Ö \u0026lt;3 love second season, and dramas
undoubtedly Coffee Prince, -, \u0026lt;3
25. Do you hate someone you do not hate him last year?
weba hate that other answer =.=
-like xD-
26. What was the best book you read?
right now I'm reading "Interview with the Vampire" \u0026lt;3
27. What was your best (re) discovery in music? Edith Piaf
, Enrique Bunbury and looooong loooong but xDDDDD K-pop music, especially SHINee xD, thanks to K-pop radio that put to work in Guanajuato xDDDD
28. What was it you wanted and get it?
My VIP tickets to Versailles, and well that I had to get it, w;.
29. What did you want and do not get it? Go
Cervantino several events for lack of $ $ $ I could not, like to see EA D: \u0026lt;-trauma xD-
30. What was your favorite movie this year?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I e Inception \u0026lt;3, there were many films this year GONE * 3 *
31. What did you do on your birthday and how old are you?
turned 20 O: xD-viejitah, which gave me my camera * 3 * went to the favorite Asian food restaurant and went to an orchestra of classical music, what more could you ask for? , D, and many remembered my birthday TT THANK YOU SO MUCH! was a big surprise for me: _D
32. What thing would have made this year was immeasurably more satisfying?
be 100% satisfied with my career Ö but everything can change this 2011 O: XD
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept this year?
Normal, as every year (jeans, skirts, coats, shirts) ... I'm not noticing much in fashion ^ ^;
-like LOL Another answer that imagination XD-34
. What keeps you healthy?
Now if a better way to eat it before me n_n and snacks every now and then, exercising or even walking or running half an hour (:
Spiritually and psychologically, smile and see the little things of life ~ \u0026lt;3 and also see the smiles and successes of the people I love!
35. "Qhat celebrity or public figure called you the most? Octopus
Paul, Octopus Paul *-* xDDD okno
All Versailles * 3 *) / and clear ... Sama Mana, Kozi, and Yu-ki, the softy emotions almost cried when I heard that they met, worse! Kozi when I heard them singing "Beast of Blood" T________T are great!, now need to Klaha appears, to get together and sing, w, would be a great experience for my 2011 * O *) /
36 . What political event stirred you the most?
strike that was here in Celaya >-\u0026lt;)/ enough of insecurity, violence, killings! ;_________;.
HTMLXC 37. Who do you miss? Celayork A general all when I went to Guanajuato).
38. Who was the best person you met?
uuuuh, many first to Pilika, Ana and Rosy ~ miss you, kid! \u0026lt;3 The girls Vesailles concert, which met in Guanajuato, pfff, if I met people this year D: XD and you know *>*)/ m missing x
39. Tell us one important lesson you learned in 2010:
"Never regret anything" \u0026lt;3: _D. "You never know if it really valuableoff what you do if you do not try "
40. Quotea the lyric of a song that summarizes your year:
All song " Non, je ne regrette rien" by Edith Piaf for me was the best song I knew and certainly , gives me energy to keep going. also the voice of women has been one of the most beautiful voices I've heard in my life, it sounds so smart \u0026lt;3, in addition to the French accent helps a lot * _ *
Finally, I want to thank all my family and friends who believed in me in 2010, THANK YOU for giving me support this great truth you need:, D and I hope 2011 will be of more moments of joy, blessings and much higher than for 2010! (:
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