not know if rei, if mourn, or what the hell to do. For now, go crazy, and is ... I HAVE BEEN BROKEN IPOD! I HAVE BEEN KILLED! ** Ainu hair stretches ** What shall I do without my ipod? ** Cries ** Worst of all is that I have no idea what has happened. Suddenly I got a little screen with a dead iPod and it has continued until now. I must take it to a store to see if I can fix, and if not ... well I will get another play, to be proactive and have been gossiping and I've seen the Classic 120 GB is 230 or something opportunity well, the truth is that it is not bad considering that mine is 30 and it cost meEurAc as 150 more. Anyway I cross my fingers for not having to change it, after all, is almost like an extension of my body where I go he goes XD.
Otherwise ... I shit in high school. Although it is not as difficult as I thought, the first reviews are out of pity me
I also just learned that the musical "Today I can not lift" comes to Valencia! D I have really wanted to see, because I have the CD of the functions in madrid but not yet seen it. It is unfortunate that Mike Fernandez and do not go to Mario, but I want to see anyway. We are also planning a trip to Madrid in January so I will try to convince one of the profs to take me to the theater to see "We Will Rock You" which I think is still in the lineup. And if not ... I resigned to scratch the CD to hear both muahahahhaha!
Adri á n Lastra y Miquel Fernandez-Me Cuesta Tanto Olvidarte
Ahhhh, I love this guy really Ayyyyyy WCO Rich!.
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