Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pain In Chest More Condition_symptoms 2009, left a mark on my life ♥ so will the 2010?

OMMENCEMENT Anoy with a new world of opportunities opens up before us. The time is ripe to reflect internally on past experiences, present and future situations. To learn from the past, enjoy the present and build a better future.

If we stop for a moment, we pause to look back, we realize that we are exactly where we have brought our past actions. Human beings construct their future diaa day through their thoughts, words and actions, and these in turn are shaping the present.

This last day of AnOr, despite everything, it was very quiet and I like that, knowing that and my whole family is in good health (that good cousin; _; these last two days I worry about, but thank God and 're right ^ ^) I've only gone for lunch and visit an aunt and went to church to give thanks ~ ♥ Thank God you left us to live another year, more experience, more learning and especially this year that could , or for me it was pretty cool ... not just x the positive things, if not for the many experiences and knowledge that have been "improved" a bit to me ^ 3 ^ definitely if I get the night lá ; tears to my eyes ... it will be for joy.

Purposes? honestly this year notI have, only keep learning to drive and to be more responsible and mature, and continue my professional plans and as a person (stay in the U.S., studying English and Japanese, keep practicing TKD become a better person, be happy ~) and above that and I'll go to live alone to a new city in the middle of the year, and think that this "future" to me so far .. in short, for me in 2010 is challenging to me and with many changes in me, but ... who knows! and has the same taste that I gave in 2009, many surprises, honestly ... I did not think could come true ^ ^.

describe this year as "magical" Why? the surprises that gave me life, I returned to challengeHp sea my bigotry and I repeat the same experiences that I lived with good taste.

And again I do the same meme I did last year lol XD.

1. What did you do in 2009 that have not done before? ♥
study more than one day for a study examining the rate xD ... ♥ Living
university as a friend ... So it was left to live in my house: 3. Traveling by subway
♥ ... yay! (?) XD ♥
View An Cafe, and Cafe Tacuba Emilie Autumn concert
*______* ♥ Being more vain in my image, I accept) : Japanese Study
♥ \u0026lt;3333 ♥ Take
a practice of Tae Kwon Do for 2 hrs; D Ahre XD. ♥
take and not feel any side effects *-* ♥
More Follow estimating each year my family ♥ ^ 3 ^
peqeño Having a pet dog (Nyappy> u \u0026lt;) /) ago 3 years did not have a pet, O;.

2. Will you continue with your New Year's resolutions, or you'll make more for next year?
are very different, and the name above: 3

3. Someone close to you had a child?

No, but expect a birth of a cousin in February prox
CHTMLX year ^ ^C 4. Someone close to you died? Only the mother
counter with which I was taking my practice uu And although not very close, but I take my ♥, Michael Jackson and Jasmine You

5. What countries visited? None owo, Mexico (?)

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? For right now I do not need anything, thank God.

7. What date in 2009 will remain in your memory and why? ♥ Too
, the day of the concert,my day to enter the U.S., Halloween & Dia de Muertos (AAAN celebrates it as it does not hold), Christmas (by events so rare XD).

8. What was your biggest achievement this year? Enter
University and still maintain good grades (in short: not to have failed no matter lol XD)

9. What was your biggest failure? As always ... I won that hurt others uu;

10. Do you have any illness or injury? My patah he injured while practicing TKD, _, and almost a month matuvo me aching and unable to camiNAR bn ¬ ¬ but yet again in a week to go * 3 * and ps nomas flu.

11. What was the best thing you bought? The concerts ♥ souvenirs, and investment by paying Japanese classes * 3 *

12. Does the behavior of those who deserved celebration?
My cousin sometimes even a capricious and mischievous, has matured enough for their old owo, but my ma and my friends will win the grand prize as always ♥

13. Does the behavior of those who made you feel bad and worried?
Miracle! anyone now! or my xD. Well, if it uses to put artista ... Miku): its half-innings in his blog I put some sad emo):

14. "Where did most of your money?
Studies, but it is a good investment ♥ and my trips (including trips to concerts xD)

15. What else made you feel really happy? Switch
University, OR, almost crying when I left knowing that news that EA was coming to Mexico (it was so improvised * announcement a month before he was to give concert here x * and for me it is not exaggeration ; D: \u0026lt;to my EA is my musamadreh ♥)

16. What song reminds you slways 2009? Smile

Michael Jackson 17. Compared to last year, are you?:
I. More happy or sad? Happy cubed (?)
II. More thinner or fatter? Everyone tells me to lose weight, I see myself as o3o, at least something I am sure I have more physical condition that years ago xDDDD
III. More richer or poorer? Richest (?), Rather ... less debt and better recovery of capital, thanks to God ^ ^

18. What things would you have liked to do more?
Going to the beach, no way ... the climI could not make it possible: 3, learn more about graphic design.

19. What things do you wish you had done to a lesser extent? Less nervous and imposed (the latter I think that I will never take off xD)

20. How did you spend Christmas?
Mega rare (?) But very happy at last and out: 3

22. Do you fall in love in 2009?
In life, if a guy ...? I think for now it is my mission to see that sense of "amorsh" thanks ^ 3 ^, or rather ... I think I'm unloved ... and I really feel so much better

23. How many relationshipones in one night? * cricket * XD Sonidito

24. What was your favorite TV show? Simpsons (this year it looks more than other years xD), Dervez Show, Family Pluche ... I'm not much to watch TV.

25. Do you hate someone you do not hate him last year? hate it =.=

26. What was the best book you read? "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "Knight in Rusty Armor"

27. What was your best (re) discoveryin music?
Golf & Mike ♥ and
Pride of Mind (Klaha * O *) / XD)
28. What was it you wanted and get it?
The move to the U, my concert tickets, more patience (not much ... but I'm more patient ^ ^ XD)

29. What did you want and do not get it? Imagination times (many things)

30. What was your favorite movie this year? Angels and Demons, Harry Potter 6, the Orphan .... but what else is love but not estrenadio this year is ", Howl's Moving Castle "love that movie

31. What did you do on your birthday and how old are you?
turned 19, I went to a buffet with my mom and receiving messages from my loved ones ♥

32. What thing would have made this year was immeasurably more satisfying? Nothing, honestly right now this year I'm more than well *________*, well ... think of it, that would not have killed those who died. _. but hey, death is unstoppable (?)

33. How would you describe your personal conceptfashion this year? Normal, as every year (jeans, skirts, coats, shirts) ... I'm not noticing much in fashion ^ ^;

34. What keeps you healthy? Laughing, my loved ones supporting me always have a smile, always think positive and think that all dream can come true, never lose your inner child ... in short, many things

35. Which celebrity or public figure called you the most?
MJ and Jasmine You. _.; Every time I remember the mind is sadness.
anime ... In the "no Naku Koro ni", (Higurashi & unimeko), had long since I felt so softy emotions x anime, and more for Umineko ♥ takes place 3 of my top 10 of my animes views.

36. What political event stirred you the most?
the bitch influenza): \u0026lt;, the global crisis, the disagreement Cophenage plan.

37. Who do you miss? anyone for now.

38. Who was the best person you met?

To all my fellow / profs at the University

39. Tell us one important lesson you learned in 2009:
"Dreams can come true when you least expect it" and "always get what you reap"

40. Quotea the lyric of a song that summarizes your year:
With voices I can not describe my year, honestly how about a song instrumental? Le petite fille de la mer is beautiful, quiet and even a little sad, magic and gives me hope.

Finally, it only remains to thank everyone, my family, friends ... who always supported me and without them this year have definitely been dry and lifeless, thank you very much ^-^)/

Finally, let unas pictures of my last new look, new year, new life and new peloh (?) XD

I ardillah my earrings blue 'or'

Peace & love fucking
muffins! ~
wanted to see my face WTF? XD here is

And finally (I've been saying it since last 3 paragraphs LOL but now it is already the final 'o') x I have to say ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR May all your wishes are met, to fulfill their purposes and this year 2010 be filled with peace, love, health and peace ~ ♥

Friday, December 25, 2009

Ta-tt201 Teletransfer Eve ... witty, unusual

Christmas has a double projection:

  • Remember the beginning of redemption with the birth of the Savior, the central mystery our faith is the Resurrection of Christ as the Passover, this event covers the entire life of Jesus, celebrating Christmas is to solemnize the initial process of our salvation, our Passover.

  • & is now welcome; About girls, or who wants to be born in the heart of man. Christmas party invites reflection on the love of God which comes to men. The Christ who took part in the history of men, two thousand years, lives and continues his mission of salvation within the same human history. Christmas is a divine and human event, which will always be present, while a man on earth.

    These days of peace and love \u0026lt;3, which is to share and remember the birth of Jesus ♥, and especially yesterday, which was Christmas Eve, I spent several things,some good, some bad and some worse (?) but I accept that I had never had a day so ... so many strange events in my life gathered in one day (?).
me what happened? only this ...

► When we went to see the mangers of the churches in the morning we got to see a mass of a deceased body present uu ►
time ago that I never felt engentada TT is horrible)!, I despair and I T___T nausea cause everything to help my aunt to their Christmas shopping. ►
We got to see an abuse in the street later in simple T / / T and as usual we found out ... that was ran over the father of a policy premium (wife of my cousin)! I felt terrible when I heard
► When we went to the mall ... hit me with a tube in the ear T / / T and for a change ... tried to steal the car! when we got back was one of the doors open! Thank God the police arrived on time and did not take anything (and we went without us)
► makeup Me! 'Or' more than just put on my black and blue line in o___o eyes, god! So if it is rare that as well XD fails to cut my hair, I had to adjust my laaaargote crest and my ma 'said seemed emo, _, XD. ►
saw shhjsussg ~ \\ (^ o ^) / (only few people know who he is) on the street, and net me softy emotions (those softy emotions with feelings rare rare but as I was (?)), deprisa, or I could give you greeting, O;. ►
The parade of floats we thought that we would get to see mega xk afternoon) we saw! * O *) / y for a change I found one of my cousins dress was King magician XD wave. ►
Mass Christmas ... well, as always, was beautiful ♥
► For the exchange of Christmas, I asked some of Harry Potter or Queen y. .. Chara! I was given a silver watch with gold details * __ * and to think well ... if I needed a clock: 3 (and do as more than a year since I have one)

much for a day , right?: 3 (: and yet much that day diosfrute ♥ I thanked God that we protect n / /n.
Well on my part is all n / / n and I'll go to sleep, yesterday I slept somewhat late afternoon (at 4 am xD) and I woke up retempra (at 8 XD) and I have right now and sleep or without me I wish ... Coman

overheated! (It tastes richer jiji) No, seriously, I hope you find it genialinoso past with the beings who love and let the child Jesus into your heart ~ ♥

Saturday, December 19, 2009

White Finger More Condition_symptoms Birthdays, fairs, concerts and other desmadre XD

And every time it smells more to Christmas * O * and just this year. _.

These last days I've been sick, O; of the flu, but that has prevented me out and make mine * ¬ * XD, the first week was pretty good XD vagaciones, beginning that I went , Café Tacuba's concert at the fair of Querétaro with my friend Brenda was G E N I A L ♥, according to this we would leave the show at 9:30 ... that is, we went at 11:30 XD, Brend videos I must save, but was half of the people was amazing how many people there was! before fu í we to stand and bought a jacket, kitten, which is pretty cute ~

My jacket * u * and my peqejack ~ ~

We arrived at the Village Theater (where they were going to occur The Café Tacuba) at 8:00, was still missing to begin an hour of crazy and we started to take pictures with passing cosmic lights on stage, how are you:

Yellow rule, I said. Nyappy making your skins in a Cafe Tacuba concert? LOL it only happens to me XD

My right side and the front of Brenda

XDDDDD Anyway, although we were not near the stage mega enjoyed it bastant! only to be heard Be Falling, Rarotonga, No controls (Valgame Mr! o_o did not know what that song was remix xD cafe tacuba is geniaaal XD) and cardinal points I felt more than willing, but we left the half of the concert) and played Chilanga Banda, My darling, you and Ungrateful T_____T at least left me with pity when I did not touch me my favorite song by them when I left: Noon ~ ( L), which although not a song famosisisima of them, I like very much! ~ How many times you ignore small and even though they are, everyday, beautiful things of life?

And here I leave my two videos prefes the concert that I found in the tutubo 'or' XD:

Drop tipin ♪ ... and you go up on stage was so much lol LOL
but most of this video ... was the kind you hear in the video, capable, and I had been near there I would have killed me there and laugh XD.
And yes ... the chicken dance is the most tacuba fuckingluv ~

Eararaea, Rarotonga! \\ (^ O ^) /

The only thing I complain about this concert was the people who was smoking and throwing beer all the time, I felt in football stadiums (which times those xD) but weno, I think in this types of shows have to be so, but that if it was the first day ... thatso hard my clothes smelled like beer and my hair reeking of cigarette lol XD.

And was also my birthday, wow! I believe it is already over a week after my birthday, itself was quiet and my part of my ma got my perfume organza and my pump it up! xD, and many that day remembered me, especially my friends ♥: thanks x __ make this brat is felt dear, O;.

And today is also a very special meet for me ...

Happy b-day miawdoradocholofriki Mike! \\ (^ O ^) /

(do not ask me I say cholo xk ¬ ¬ 'is love * u *) /)
Yes, but this day in 1989 in Thailanda, born as the man most of his family peqeñito * o * Nithipisarnkul Pirat (or better known as Mike x the scene: 3) was born n / / n and today is 20 years old, to Although it is all shy and rather nerdy (I've met who is a fan of various anime XD, as Death Note, and one other videogame k) as I've seen in interviews and videos that is a baby to all to: D I hope and in his birthday had a great time it is found next to your loved ones (this including his brother Golf cholo xD, which is also the wave ^ u ^) /) and continue to implement many more years *-* and all his desires and goals will be met (: ~

LXC imagination, O, did not give more. _. images found at least worthwhile if * u * (wave had pretty good photos, but did not have the quality I wanted. _.)

By the way, today I found this video daraoke (?) of them, XD HAHAHAHA, I keep seeing is that amuses me enormously since the beginning and end, is that these brothers never stop having fun XD

Note I: You do not do playback at Mike! xD god! every gesture he makes.
Note II: Golf Rigo reminds me in this video xD, the clothes will therefore XD oo
Note III: When Mike is pure canda BOTANA XD Golf movements and laughter are not Mike pX___D tough
Note IV: Time 2:14 *--* Mike saying Bye-bye! everything goes kawaii!
Note V: Tears Golf fake lol xD.
Note VI: Golf hanged with micro

XDDDDD Ya, okay, I will control, to the throat right now and it hurts me so much laugh all day saaanto XD.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Marriage License Bureau In Queens And finally ...

(^______^)/ No more classes until we see the end of January, bbys books!

Yesterday was my last review of the U, the Body, which thank God I was better than I thought / / n. Another half but, fortunately no failed subjects this semester ^ ^ Still, I was not as heavy as the other, the past was pure exhibitions and works about two or 3 weeks, horror D:, ninth, in this I think it was more study, but with less exposure (in fact I think if I set a lot, so much 3 or 4 times, but if we could read the slides, which categorically forbade us at first = /) take notes further that no cout laughing, as my 100 in law xD (is sooo weird that note taking in an area such law in the U oo) and passed with 95 xD Economy (for me to study this profession @ _ @ , nah, he was strict but at least I liked her class)

The only thing that pleased me my room was a lot of my colleagues, who knew the senior high school that I played (was 4 XD) I I wonder very of them = / and that was almost always alone, but for the short time he was in the U xD (4 hrs per day recently was m: 3), but the guys who did not know ay they were from different groups I met with people pretty cool = D the bad thing is that differed in almost any kind(Only in 2 owo maximum) but still in the aisles when we chatted x there ^ __ ^ I hope to meet them the other half!.

Endnotes? I think that until December 20 the published x internet, why are you doing with thousands of changes, and more now that we all came as a surprise that we were going to change, and even though I knew it as half a month ago (thanks a company that is doing his service in the direction of the school, hehe ... all is full XD) and now that just yesterday, yes ... it's very (/(/)&%=$# officially warned yesterday D: and all who did not know you were so O___________O; is nowhere! T___T and then there is not much security there that say uu x 'bleh, to see happening ... k todaywill give us a talk about all the arguendo. And finally

(^ o ^) / vacation! (: I have watch anime and dramas k and k had read books and several outstanding jiji! = D I have several plans in mind but the dire until confimed at home.

So while today we started with the Coca Christmas caravan ü-Cola, and see if we're going to see houses lit Christmas!
And tomorrow Brend and I are going to the Feria de Queretaro to see Café Tacuba to the town square! ^. ^ Top vacations with the right foot!

And in 3 days my birthday uu 'chale ... I do not want but either way, I'll have to put up XD

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Congratulation Message For Marriage moodnight @ 2009-11-29T23:10:00

But the kid does not do it D:

Aw, this weekend was antibajos / arribazos and rare bullrings

After a loved one who died for me and many of the family the day before yesterday, yesterday handed me doing the last ( if the last: 3) tasks in the first half ago and now going to the fair in the city block (^ o ^) / I found it pretty well, seeing many people in the city together as well which was great food shrimp tacos, shrimp if ...! were rich enough although it seemed to me rather than have to know ugly D:, but now I change my expectations and today I want to eat more of those tacos XD.

Today was the first Sunday of Advent, aw ... as time passes. _., In a blink of an eye andChristmas will be (and not wanting my birthday uu), today my ma gave me one of my naviregalos in advance (?) Organza perfume that I wanted and half years ago! \\ (^____^)/ Smells beautiful!

And it also another gift, my own Chafia-Pump it up! (Yes, it chafita xD, but who cares) I was going to buy today but I told him to depart and better give it to me out of my finals I was missing (Economy and Admon) if not ... I would spend playing and distrairia me more of what makes the PC XD tmb

aw, makes a meme that made my sis xD I like: 3 and then I'll go to sleep, lately I feel tired: S and man tomorrow morning and at noon will study English. _. Anyway, in past days he had studied

- You love jeans: Yep: 3, as well as master xD
dresses - Dogs are better than cats: Of course not! D:
- It's funny when people get hurt:. _. no, but sometimes I can not help out a little laugh
- Shopping is torture: oo no good if it is going to do the groceries (food, toilet paper, the essentials) if
XD - The movie , sad movies stink: stink over the romaticonas; D
- have a race car video game: I do not really like videogames, only one or two.
- You played with Hot Wheels toy cars as a kid: Nel.
- At some point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter: No
- you own a DS, PS2, N64 or Sega: No
- EStuve obsessed with Power Rangers: Yep! C: I wanted to be the pink ranger (?)
- you see sports on TV: Yeah, but when are the Olympic Games and World Cup (the few times I stand watch football XD)
- going where your papa , for suggestions: What to
uu with my grandparents - have a thousand objects of your favorite team: Nup
- Rarely do a pajama party with many people I've never done pajama party.
- Green black, red, blue , or gold is one of your favorite colors: We only have the silver and purple; D
- I love doing crazy things and do not care what the rest think, I accept, if ... not much, but whenever I'm crazy sometimes desmadroza bn.
- You talk with food in lto mouth: No oo
- sleep with socks: No

your feminine side:
- You love to shop: Nah
- You wear eyeliner: Yes, I can not go without eyeliner D: (?)
- You use color pink: sometimes
- going where your mom for advice or speak: She is one of my best friends, of course sip
- Consider cheerlider a sport: Whut?
- I like going to the mall: No
- I like the manicure or pedicure: No, it hurts and fuckers D:
- You like wearing jewelry: Occasionally
- You cried watching The Notebook: Nah , that movie seems not to see
m - Skirts are a big part in your closet: Nuh
- Shopping is one of your hobbies: No
- not like the movies dand Star Wars: HAHAHA, if I do not like
- or did you make gymnastics / rhythmic or artistic: Yes, but it's not mine: D I'm more for rough sports
owo - It takes an hour to shower, dress and makeup: No, only 30 min.
- smile a lot more than you should: Sometimes
xD - You have more than ten pairs of shoes: shoes so shoes? no, but all my pairs of shoes if they (are the most tennis and boots * not * xD ¬ ¬ vaqeras)
- You like wearing dresses when you can:
Yep - I like to wear shoes with heels: If o3o but I see giantess D:
- You played with dolls as a kid: if it is heading and that if *_____* (?)
- You like mAquilla others: Make only artistic, if not
... normal - I like being the center of attention at all: Sometimes. _.
- Pink is one of your favorite colors: Nah

- I am shorter than 1.67: No, mido 1.72
- I have more of a scar: Pfff, if
- I'm tan or brown by the sun: No, I hate to go to tan
- I wish my hair was a different color: Sometimes
- I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color:
nah - I have a tattoo: No, and want one Henna * o *
- Use braces:
time ago - I've been told I'm cute / or by a complete stranger: live, online XD if not o___o
- I have more than twoSides: No.
- I have rings or had in my ear: It sucks XD.

- I have been a laugh in a serious conversation: Sometimes
- Disney movies still make me mourn: No, that era of Disney and step
XD - I laughed do as I have come to mourn:
often XD - I stuck my hand to something / glue: If XD, with colaloca and beat me all the fingers of one hand
XD - I laughed until it's gone a liquid through my nose: No oo
- I have broken the pants in public: Nah XD

- I've broken a bone: No, thank god.
- I removed the tonsils: Yes, but manyand peqe
- I went to the doctor alone with a friend without family: If
- I pulled wisdom teeth: You do not get it out; D
- I have had serious operations: No, and I hope I never have them
- I had fever Glass: No.
- He gave me hepatitis: No.

- I have traveled over 300 kilometers by car: If
xD - I've been on a plane: No
uu - I've been Canada: No.
- I've been to Cuba: No.
- I've been to Niagara Falls: No.
- I've been in Peru: No.
- I went to the Caribbean: No.
- I went to Europe: No.
- I went to Brazil: No.
- I went to Florida: No
- I've been in Hawaii: No.
- I lost in the city: Here XD no, when I travel to others if
xD - I've seen a shooting star: Yes, it is quite lovely nwn
- I want to see a shooting star: Yes.
- I've seen meteor showers: Yes (:
- I have gone public in my pajamas: If
o3o - I pushed all the buttons on the elevator: HAHAHA, if
- I've stuck to a man in the balls: I was going to do with a company, but I was being watched, no
XD - I've been in a casino: Almost: 3
- I skied: No
- I took a gallon of milk in under an hour: Si *
.* - I hit a car, or drive not
XD - I've been in a musical: A lots \u0026lt;3
- I've had snow: Snow ... from that of ice cream shops? if not normal
XD - I have sat on the roof of a house at night: if
in mine - I've played a prank on someone: No, I remember
- I've eaten sushi: If
- I snowboard made: No.

- Single: Yes.
- In a relationship: No.
- Married: No.
- Committed: No.
- Extrañoa someone now: No.
- I separately: No.
- I told someone that I love not be true: No.
- I told someone who does not love you when you if: If u_____________u

- I've done something I promised someone I would not: Yes.
- Hand done something I promised myself I would not do: Yes.
- I lied to my parents where I have been:
Nah - I've cheated in a game: Not that I know XD
- I've been in a car on Red: No.
- I've witnessed a crime: If oo
- I've been in a fight: No.
- I have been arrested: No.
- I won: eat the chicken nuggets in a supermarket without paying account? XD did with my comrades of bachi 'or'

- Fear of Death: If, O;
- I hate funerals: Yes, I like being in the cemetery (yes, it is rare and contradictory)
- I have seen someone or something to die: Yes, people and animals and is HORRIBLE
- Someone close to m & iacute, has committed suicide: No
- I planned my suicide: WTF?! NO

- I have more than 5 CD's: HAHA, if
- I love the anime / manga: I like nomas, D
- I have more than $ 500 thousand dollars spent on designer purses too Famous or clothing: No deal, capable in 7000 in designer clothes
XD - I have a piece of Zara: No.
- collect or have collected comics: Posters \u0026lt;3
- I have a piece of Gap: No.
- I have bought some clothes at the supermarket: Yes, and tinaguis, designers ... everything XD

- sing well, but heard bad: Yes and no 'or'
- I won something a restaurant:
xD Nah - I'm open to orcenters easily: Depends
- I watch the news: We need to see, for my career.
- do not kill bugs: If you are cockroaches, yeah 8D
- Singing in the shower: No
- buy ringtones for my phone: No.
- I'm a sports fan: No.
- I smoothed his hair or vice versa: If: 3
- I worry about spelling: In real life if I'm picky XD well, here on the Internet no
oo - You love spam: No.
- I copied more than 30 CD's in a day: No.
- Ando by bike: Only in the static (?) XD.
- My favorite color may be white, yellow, pink, red, blue , black, purple or orange : short silver
XD - I'd go with pijloves the school: Yes, as my pajama pants and looks like Swett, no problem, besides that bn
calientituh * o * - I know how to shoot a gun: No
- I laugh at my own jokes: No, bn ill
- As fast food every week: No
- I have not given any work and even give me a 7 in that class:
never happened to me - I can not sleep if there's a spider in my room : Nah
- I like the white chocolate: Delicious! \u0026lt;3
- I bite my nails: Unfortunately yes, but not as food as I have others that have megacortitas; O;
- I'm a face that reminds : If at least I oo m
have said - I'm good at remembering names: No, I suck for that to distract XDway I am ...
- I'm good at remembering dates: Same as last question XD

Ear Pressure More Condition_symptoms 101 Horror Movies you must see before you die

Based on this book;

101 Horror Movies you must see before you die

* The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919) *****
* The Golem (1920) ***
* Häxan (1922) *****
* Nosferatu (1922) **** 1/2
* The Phantom of the Opera (1925) *****
* Dracula (1931) *****
* M (1931) *****
* Frankenstein (1931) *****
* Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) **** 1/2
* Vampyr (1932) **** 1/2
* Freaks (1932) *****
* White Zombie (1932) ***
* The Old Dark House (1932) ****
* Island of Lost Souls (1932) **** 1/2
* King Kong (1933) *****
* The Black Cat (1934) ****
* The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) *****
* The Wolf Man (1941) ****
* Cat People (1942) *****
* I Walked with a Zombie (1943) **** 1/2
* Diabolique (1955) *****
* The Bad Seed (1956) *** 1/2
* The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) ***
* The Horror of Dracula (1958) ****
* The Tingler (1959) ***
* Eyes Without a Face (1959) ****
* Peeping Tom (1960) *****
* Black Sunday (1960) **** 1/2
* Psycho (1960) *****
* The Innocents (1961) **** 1/2
* Carnival of Souls (1962) *** 1/2
* What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) ****
* The Haunting (1963) **** 1/2
* The Birds (1963) ****
* Onibaba (1964) ****
* The Masque of the Red Death (1964) *** 1/2
* Repulsion (1965) **** 1/2
* Viy (1967) ****
* Hour of the Wolf (1968) ***
* The Devil Rides Out (1968) ****
* Rosemary's Baby (1968) **** 1/2
* Night of the Living Dead (1968) *****
* Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970) ***
* The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) ***
* Daughters of Darkness (1971) ****
* Blacula (1972) ** 1/2
* The Last House on the Left (1972) *** 1/2
* The Exorcist (1973) *****
* The Wicker Man (1973) ****
* Don't Look Now (1973) **** 1/2
* Deathdream (1974) ** 1/2
* The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) ****
* Deep Red (1975) *** 1/2
* Jaws (1975) *****
* The Omen (1976) ****
* Carrie (1976) **** 1/2
* Eraserhead (1977) *****
* Suspiria (1977) ****
* The Hills Have Eyes (1977) ** 1/2
* Halloween (1978) *****
* Dawn of the Dead (1978) *** 1/2
* Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) ****
* Phantasm (1979) ***
* The Brood (1979) *** 1/2
* Cannibal Holocaust (1980) * 1/2
* Dressed to Kill (1980) ****
* Friday the 13th (1980) ** 1/2
* The Shining (1980) **** 1/2
* An American Werewolf in London (1981) ****
* The Howling (1981) ****
* The Beyond (1981) ****
* Poltergeist (1982) ****
* The Hunger (1983) ***
* A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) *** 1/2
* Re-Animator (1985) ****
* The Fly (1986) **** 1/2
* Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) ****
* A Chinese Ghost Story (1987) ****
* Hellraiser (1987) *** 1/2
* Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn (1987) ****
* The Vanishing (1988) *****
* Jacob's Ladder (1990) ***
* The Silence of the Lambs (1991) *****
* Man Bites Dog (1991) ****
* Candyman (1992) *** 1/2
* Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) *** 1/2
* Cemetery Man (1994) *** 1/2
* Scream (1996) **** 1/2
* Ringu (1998) *** 1/2
* Audition (1999) *** 1/2
* The Blair Witch Project (1999) ****
* The Sixth Sense (1999) ****
* The Devil's Backbone (2001) *** 1/2
* The Others (2001) ****
* 28 Days Later (2002) ****
* A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) *** 1/2
* High Tension (2003) *** 1/2
* Ju-on (2003) ***
* Saw (2004) **
* The Descent (2005) ****
* The Orphanage (2007) ****

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hpvcondition_symptoms Chansung; 090814 / / production Tongdo Aqua Fantasia

Chansung picspam ! <3

This time;


090814 양산 통도아쿠아환타지아 ¡

download .rar

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oramedica Balancing Facial Cleanser Weekend & 2PM

Recap (:

After much .. I finally put up a poor night of pleasure (?) And sucked to death!

And if you do not believe me, ask [info] ali_mena and [info] xxchivixx were the guides in the journey: 9

.. The night was as much (?) because toasted 2PM Our 7 beasts won .. so fucking good for them!! \u0026lt;3

And the night he left us between:

"By 2PM"

"because they won and to hell with SJ"

"Porque if it smells strange perfume, cheap perfume is because it is "

" Because if you do not understand a closed social group, what calling subculture "

" For ray sing ballads of the 80 o.o9 "

Chansung is my mastermind

smexiest fakin my god

& Chanh *_____*

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bacterial Infections More Condition_symptoms Because this day is very special

... And I deserve thousands of zapes XD

T_______T other image I had made finger error delete x D: (two and a half hours ._.), scoured references to God through material had it saved on my PC, but I came out the same, that I am u_u
Well, the case xD, this day, 15 (good and is 16 XD, but better late than never ._.?) November is the birthday of one of my best friends ~ (L) and I think the picture says it all, and I hope you like it ♥ I did with all the love that I have

I think the picture says it all ~ (L) Happy Birthday sis ~ (L) and forgives the gift so slow x T____T

Friday, November 13, 2009

Down Syndrome Breakdown Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family Tree Search - Genealogy

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vespa Granturismo Helmet But I love you /

Not for me, but for my lovely Noodle ♥

No matter what they say:

Monday, October 12, 2009

F A C E B O O K U N B L O C K E R What keeps on a big smile I Ü

Ok, it was not necessary naaaada entry about it, but ... I do! XD, my happiness is overflowing XD (well. .. since yesterday, but today overflowed xD)

Sisi, specially new EA ~ ♥ on American TV: 3, thinking that God willing I'll see in 10 days : _D seriously, I'll be bn exaggerated, but it will certainly the best concert in my life (so far ^. ^)

Sisi, costs time TV XD, but cut the song chale ...? o3o, was heard

bn xD rarin

only confirms: Apella looks pretty old xD, Veronica (the one I still can not swallow me the Bloody Crumpets xD, no se, makes vulgar m> u \u0026lt;XD ) reminded me of his machete to RenaHigurashi, Maggots (the only of the Bloody that I like) rule with their swords pirate 'or' xD! more ... Emilie shows you have enough flexibility with the chair! 'Or' XD okya: 3

And awww, I found the hidden past (?) Naaah, last Klaha ~ ♥ before Malice Mizer, Pride of Mind

I love it, really, O; ... one of my knights of my heart xD condominium, someday we'll meet again on stage? TT hope and if, or well ... that's a sign of life I would be happy kokorito; O ;

Well ... today is also the anniversary day of the City of Celayork XD (Celaya) x So I had no classes ... and I'm happy xD (descanso! and m to foul)
_ ^ I'm
____^ Lack of food makes me xD softy emotions of

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tooth Infection More Condition_symptoms And come October ~

and I thought it would take to get there, pf! that naive I ^ - ^;

months finally arrived my expectations ^. ^ and will rest a bit after the exams so tired that I had ~ honestly I have done quite well in this semester, even I agree that I'm doing better than last semester XD ok, I have super extrict teachers (who teach very well, so do not deny it! XD) but as I already am teaching to work under pressure xD, well ... one day have to handle it ^. ^

And finally even going to give me my chance to be a bit of idle before having pressure ... again! XD The most

is sure to continue watching "Coffee Prince" that no longer see from vacations oo '(I hope and still continue to YT), about Love Beyond Frontier ♥, I finished viewing the caps which have risen x YT (which are 17, 25) and bskjwhjjkew u________u feels so fuck when they leave you in suspense D:, the good thing is that the girl YT channel would follow it up (at least I have hopes that the full view ... yaaah! XD), I never had liked so much a romantic drama since I saw Kimi Wa Petto (of course, does not take away the place to be my favorite in that genre \u0026lt;3) I love the couple between MikexPle ♥ but feelings for Golf T ^ T and her feelings for Pat Mike T_____T (yes, me and my odd couple (?))
Together with FT Island
, Golf & Mike are the only Asian pop bands that I consider myself a fan ~ well ... not so fanatical as other bands (see the pop is not one of my favorite genres XD), but listen very *.* njjswjkswkj often and I like a lot!

Lately I've been obsessed with "Let's Get Down", of these two little brothers ^ _ ^, I always want to dance to listen! but as that I have left feet to dance, I just hopped

xD I

best so give concerts poppy bands from here, the hell! D:, some day I'll go to Thai one of his concerts (even in dreams xD)

sleeve, I'm following &; Quot; Pet Shop of Horrors "(the adventures of Count D ~ ♥ and his" pets "are worth it!) And yesterday I started to read" Kaze to Ki no Uta, I've always liked yaoi, but implicit ; cite in other animes that are not xD or Jmusic bands (sorry, my mind all the time fanservicea (?)), animes I've seen several types Yaoi / shonen-ai and net Kaze to ki no uta Kiss with Pope are the only ones I liked (I've seen Loveless, ok, not bad, good theme to further that awdoro
Ritsuka ♥
, but I'll like Soubi never> \u0026lt;, J unjou Romantica half superaburrio me D: and Boku no Piko as Sensitive Pornographer a few minutes to see them left me traumatized MAS. _. well, not traumatized, but I'm not used to seeing many naked partesnobles , just not my thing ^ ^;)

here leave a little info on this manga * w *
Kaze to Ki No Uta is the story of Serge Battour, the son of a wealthy Viscount and a beautiful gypsy woman. Reported in Arles (France) in the late 19, the story picks up his memories of Gilbert Cocteau at the prestigious Academy for young Laconblade.
Gilbert Cocteau is a promiscuous student whose reputation is of a young man of low morals from frequently missing classes and have sex-not exactly innocent inolder students. Still, Gilbert is a tortured young man who has been treated more as an object like a human lifetime.
gold heart Serge Gilbert is fascinated and tries to make friends despite being threatened with ostracism and even violence. Gilbert always rejected offers of friendship with Serge, but it seems that Serge is the only hope to escape that Gilbert hellish life you lead.

I heard Kaze to Ki no Uta as one of the first sleeves removed in yaoi and just seeing the picture made me interesting * 3 *, the theme in advance is a bit strong and explicit for my taste normally, but I was fascinated to see the ova>, \u0026lt;, Gilbert despite being a prostitute (?) I was very little pain T ^ T alone be used as an object. _. and my reason ♥ Serge made me read the manga after watching the OVA, even a boy, aw, is a love T_T I want a boyfriend like that (?), sensitive, concerned about others, caring intelligent and to vary a magnificent pianist like his father, shit when you discriminate against me for his color, hdp ¬ ¬ '(if you notice, the Manga / Ova deals with many social problems which, unfortunately .. . is really living in society, which also attracted me to him, I call attention to the psychological and moral issues)

leave an image and then a piano song that happen inova no doubt I love and can not stop listening to Chopin Winter Wind

And Anime, I still see Umineko (awdoro increasingly more xP Beatrice daughter bitch is a great as a villain * -* I love his laugh xD) and I started to see Hetalia, and was curious to see it as millions of people talk about it xD, learn from history and I laughed at the same time xDDDD, can not be my kind of anime I watch and cataloge is for me to be one of the best animes I've seen xD, but hey, the anime leaves you wanting and absorbs instantly with your mood! xD and I'm still in my cabezita idearme some yaoi couples ... and frankly, better xDDDD so, no, for me not to hit me full so yaoi xD (ok, if Hayles chistorritions gay xD, but still, I can not imagine, I'm weird (?) owo) XD Just tell

for before the end of the post, awdoro to ChibiItalia! ~ full love foreva!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Signs Of Liver Damage More Condition_symptoms new, new and more news XD

Hiii: 3, aw, and had time to write here without (nah, just a week * woman * o3o XD) but hey, I'll give an updated x aka owo XD Almost half

September, ladies and Gentlemen! and a half months to start one of the most anticipated month for me ~ ♥ the truth is that I have several plans I have for that month, including:

1 .- GPKISM Concert in Morelia (ooh, I want Ken-sama meet in personita ü and again to see Kiwaru * but I'll take some when there was BLOOD (bursts out llorarsh; _;) and sing Illuminatum Barathrum and above that is the song I love most * O * ains, I go, I go> or \u0026lt;, would go to Guadalajara, but the truth is more farGdl Morelia and also when they are x aya in Guadalajara this date close to my review of Economic Environment ¬ ¬ 'xD so I better not) for the October 3

Day 2 .- La Purisima Concepcion / Foundation Celaya / nohayclases xD with that I can say it all: 3, make great x aka
festivals and exhibitions especially Cashier * *-** riicoh is October 12

3 .- International Cervantes Festival .- CLEAR TO ME GO TO CERVA (:, as every year: in March, as it? *--* is great to go to the capital and see both artistic event, is love: 3. starts from October 14 until November 1st, ire a weekend, checare to see the day there will be events to organize well the fence
4.-E ConcertMilie Autumn: One of the most important events of the year :____ D wave, like the hell I'm gonna miss seeing one of my favorite singers, _, will be a spectacular concert, no doubt. On October 22 at 8:00 PM at the Circo Volador (Ahre, to me is everything and exactito XD)
Indeed, just recently put out a video of Dead is the New Alive for their new DVD which will release (I hope to come over here to sell it to buy it) and loved ♥ (1,2,3,4,5 ... What is the new alive?! *-*)
http://vids.myspace. com / index.cfm? fuseaction = vids.individual & videoid = 62874528

5 .- Halloween ♥ Well, just to mention it is more than enough, do not you think? I have many things designed to make that day

6 .- Dito the Dead in Patzcuaro: Well, that will be for November 1st, in addition to Day of the Dead is one of my favorite holidays (besides Halloween and Christmas) for the first time will visit Patzcuaro and they told me that if you put great *. *

Haha, you see, you will see many events x here, and missing for sure! one month will be great (:

Today my afternoon was wasted to shit T__T, last Monday I hurt my foot in TKD and as yet I have not been removed completely swollen, I took the ISSSTE (the public hospital that is here) to take me to do some x-rays to see if there was only inflammation or if it was bone or so, __, the hope is that while, and when there expecting to feeland I give my ma made me =.= X-rays, checked and told me I had nothing at least in my bones and it was only a problem of tissue (wave, muscles) and we had to wait for the orthopedic surgeon. .. ok, hopefully, spent another hour = _ = nothing ... nor anything spent two o_O and that the hospital was half empty S: People started to arrive and as usual no one took care of> \u0026lt;the case is that my ma went to ask and both the doctor and the nurse answered reluctantly ¬ ¬ 'hdp, perhaps because they know that workers are deducted is what they eat? > \u0026lt;So pisses me off that these places are in D: but me see me there filthy sentadota for 3 hours without attention, see also gave courage mto the other people waiting without anyone attend, not fair! > U \u0026lt;

Well, I relax and I'll get to keep writing the post XD ...

My obsession these days, but I could not express much about the lack of time I have is:

1) Umineko no Naku Koro Ni ♥: God, I love this anime> \u0026lt;I dare say I like it more than Higurashi, is that only see the theme as the story goes: Blood + Witch + Magic + Mystery = \u0026lt;333 die of amush, Plus Blessed LOVE \u0026lt;3 (Beatrice), which as most sadistic villain, list and crazy as it *-* I seem to simply admiring Maria-chan XDDDD, also awdoro Battles: 3 I love his perseverance finally beat Blessed in every chapter, and Kanon * _ * is so shy, yet cares for others \u0026lt;3 love it ^ ^ also, the characters start to drop me fat / bad are the aunt Eva (do not remember me ... to Takano Miyo from Higurashi, and Takano why do not I have both the old grudges and I only see shit ¬ ¬ ') and Tia Rosa (ok, that sounded like bread Tia Rosa xDDDD but inche bipolar mother, ok. .. his daughter Maria usually x3 scary sometimes but that's no reason to try a clean hit and then hug ¬ ¬ 'I do not like, I do not like). Beginning of each week and want it to be Friday for passing me another cap xD x here, and more now than in the arcs * if, as there are arches, as in Higurashi * get more interesting, definitely recommended for full: 3
in case anyone wants to seer, here I leave a link outside sub YT stannous it every Friday (: (at least not erase it, as in YT XD)

And also what I've been obsessed is to Love About Frontier, I'm in Ch. 15 but they only have subtitles in the channel where I'm reading through 16 D: peeo already warned that updated to raise the caps missing *.* definitely love this drama is so funny XD well I never had done so much xDDDD mess with partners, and therefore this Dorama, I started to hear music from Golf & Mike (boys Protas this Dorama: 3), sing geniaaaal *_________* further that Mike is too luv & lt, 3, no, I love *.*

videillos leave some of them: 3

จะ ไป ส่ง ให้ ถึง มือ: ja meu pai teung song "I'll take up your hand (Mike Solo)

ไม่ พอดี ไม่ ดี พอ: mai by mai dee-dee and I'm not right ... (Golf Only)

And this last one that I love, that this movidona and to vary this in Japo, for me learn your coreagrafia: 3, but the two left legs pa I have ... better not try it XD

Ikuyo Nippon Ai ni-Golf & Mike (the truth is that pa be Thai, sing're up in Japanese 'or' XD)

And while I share my wall of Mike that I have right now ... is not it kawaii?

And by the way 'or' before I forget, lay back because this month ♥ 's birthday ~ Em-sama is not very nice xD nah but I did what n___n I wanted to do something further that if on his birthday x (22/Sep) I can not do anything u / / u advance happy birthday mami EA! ~

And I think for now is all I have to contribute xD: 3 I will give an overview of my lessons of law review and sjsjhjs Friday u_u terror D: See you \\ (^ o ^) /

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tinitis More Condition_symptoms Summary Doramaniaco! ...

And as always, other things too XD

Today I thank God the opportunity to write in my blog, after about a month to quit rather than left o_o 'and the net, the uni has kept me busy sooo oo' but no, I'm not bad, not as tired as last semester, and the latter so cool climates ♥. Today

enjoy going to the U.S. early-morning walk in the rain with my umbrella, of course XD (although I would love to one day play in the rain and when he did small xD), plus it today U estûv half desolate, almost nobody was xD, as yesterday was the Day of the student, and apparently many had a great time! while I work in law is doing LOL XD (well, at least today and I had less outstanding and I have homework for tomorrow!)

today also feared the results of the written participation of law did T ^ T this week, as many say that Martina is a very demanding teacher and almost everything you want it "with a semicolon" as she puts it, in fact, several comrades took 0 of 8 questions and I ;_______ ; insurance as I was to me! (I'm very suspicious of myself oo) and see my note of that participation is me * _ * August 5 ! (: Eso that two questions had to explain it so thoroughly! (The 3 to remove bad ... I accept ¬ ¬ 'D not consider these issues: there were songs that I study and she did not ask and viseversa LOL) and my percentage complete and the partial participation *-* of I'm the one fact that has been completed. _. XD, for sure in two weeks will be his evalucacion, at least I knew the teacher if my intrepret and well qualified "definitions crazy, but well defined " Ü

Well, if watching now the issue of what to write XD came today, I came today to mind on the list I've seen Doramas n / / n, no doubt touched me to see several Doramas I've loved me and that severalmarked, some more than others, in addition to not forget me if I have outstanding

xD Let's start!
1.-Densha Otoko

"Densha Otoko" Train Man "is the story of an otaku named Yamada Tsuyoshi, who saves the beautiful Aoyama Saori a drunken man on the train. Be the main witnesses and accomplices of visitors to the forum Yamada Japanese mega-BBS 2channel, they are encouraging the man to call her and ask her out after receiving a gift of thanks from Saori.

The first drama I saw n / / ñ I remember it clearly (:, can not one of my favorites but I remove thelaughter and an occasional tear in the course of the series, besides that I loved and the network were connected there and cheered him to Yamada to not let yourself be overcome by T / / T, is the recomento, but advance notice that they have some degree of freak xD FINISHED. RATING 7.5/10

2 .-
Kimi wa petto
"After a terrible day work and a break with your partner, Iwaya Sumire (Koyuki) returns home sad, depressed, and above all, alone. However, at the door of his apartment found a young man in a cardboard box. So sorry to give you take home and cared foruntil his health improves. As the young (Matsumoto Jun) is recovering, he begins to like this place and decided not to leave. In fact, even says he'll do anything she wants if you let him stay. Sumire seen the photo of the Golden Retriever I had as Pequena jokingly says, "You can stay if you become my pet." To her surprise, she accepts and decides to call him "Momo." It is based on the manga of the same name by Yayoi Ogawa. "I love this dorama

undoubtedly ♥ God, I never felt so identified with a character like Surime TT, cold with others at many times, it sometimes seems that only interest iswork when you really need is a sincere hug wbshbhwhj, great performances, an OST also great and well ... are among the few for romantic stories I've loved, I would see, no doubt (one, and again XD) and I have thought then read my manga, sip to sip * _ * FINISHED GRADE 10/10

3 .- COMA:
"A hospital casualty scenario," something " attacking his patients, a girl mysteriously disappeared ... This has caused the total collapse of the aforesaid hospital. But now it is only a patient in a coma, and behind everything is a big secret that hasTime to be discovered. An insurance agent, a detective, a girl with the ability to feel the "undead" and a nurse who has much to hide will be the protagonists of this great Korean horror series. "

My first Korean drama, horror and action *_______*, much I love and also see him again as many times as necessary (and indeed, I would like more dramas existesen x3 like that, c'mon! To leave a little of what romanticon; D XD) FINISHED GRADE 10/10

4 .- One liter of tears
" Ikeuchi Aya was an ordinary girl 15 years old daughter of a familyworks at a tofu shop, and soon to enter high school. However, strange things have been happening to Aya lately. It has been falling down often and walks strange. His mother, shiokara, takes Aya to see a doctor and he advised that Aya has espinocerebral degeneration. It is a terrible incurable disease in which the cerebellum gradually deteriorates to the point where the person can no longer walk, talk, write or eat normally but does not affect the mind. As in life there are people that can harm people's support will exist as Haruto to endure the moments of pain and giving the encouragementneeded. But Aya does not support the disease as quickly as the case progresses. "

Without doubt this is the drama that from almost the first or second cap, I've been shedding tears, makes you reflect on what really ONE THERE TO ENJOY LIFE, than anybody else, is assured as the day of tomorrow today, O,, I love the song of the OP, also makes you think. I left when x absent the drama that did not really know if you really bear to see what will happen day by day (cap x cap) Aya T_T * I see that half the world Resense but think I have heart of stone * but more likely, and then continue to see n / / n NO TERMINVIEWING ADA

5 .- Bambino

"Ban Shogo is a very enthusiastic guy who comes to Tokyo from Fukuoka with dreams of becoming a chef in Italian cuisine. The series is based on the popular manga "Bambino!" By Sekiya Tetsuji "

definitely when I come back to renew the drama it again to see everything again YT xk son of bitch delete it (?) D: \u0026lt;, I see so of seguidito *-*, my second act watching dorama Matsumoto Jun (I accept, I love them as acts that guy XD) another anime that has little refrerente the amour, or at least as a topic principal XD no, if no food and overall human progress as a person ^ - ^ and it's not as easy to reach the goals you want, you have to battle 'o', also a visual delight with dishes that show *______* one of the dramas that I love too (: SEE NO END OF

6 .- Coffee Prince:

"It focuses on the life of Go Eun Chan (Yoon Eun Hye), a girl with a somewhat eccentric mother and sister small type that has to take care of. Our hero has to put aside their femininity in order to better help your family with various jobs. Because of his previousexperience with Tae Kwon Do, Eun Chan has gained a strong personality characteristic of a chico.Eun Chan is mistaken for a man by Han Kyul brother, Choi Han Seong (Lee Sun Gyun, and thanks to him begins to work for the Coffee Prince, where he falls for his temperamental president, Choi Han Kyul (Gong Yoo). Kyul hires have purposely to avoid an arranged marriage by pretending to be romantically linked to the "gay" Choi Han Kyul, think you are experiencing homosexual feelings towards her, which leads to heart problems, in a very risky and comic "

I've decided, I want to be as large EunChan D: this girl is great! , O, XD, a drama with many shades funny, romantic and cool at once: 3, U I had to give away u_u 'they recommend as much *-* NOT SEE END OF

7 .- Vampire Host.
"After the disappearance of her best friend, Rion was given the task of searching. Among the tracks he found a card is an exclusive club called "Kranken Haus." She is absolutely sure that Suou the best companion of the club, and those responsible for it have something to do with this and other disappearances in the city. But when the defendant becomes su only ally, Rion must pay the damages committed to work for it. This will not be easy and everything gets harder to find that it is a vampire. Rion now is involved in such strange situations that are difficult to believe. "

Another of my favorites, no doubt ... and most of the Vampire theme + host = \u0026lt;3 (?) XD, the comedy drama that has *-*, in addition to Rion Rule also full with their megapatadas *-* and the stupid things-to-the-♥ says Suou XD sometimes, in addition to the cases of drama (which I have seen 3: 3, I think they are 5 or 6 owo ) are quite interesting! has undoubtedly been one of the dramas that I really likedado, for now I'm just waiting to leave the new caps. kx apparently have not subtitled. _. and I want to see new Capistrano *____* NOT SEE END OF

8.-Love Beyond Frontier:
"Mike is a young Thai-Japanese going to Thailand search of his mother without knowing anything about Thailand or the Thai language. Arriving in Thailand is with many unexpected problems that lead him to meet a girl named Pat. Pat is a beautiful young woman who works at a company on documentaries. Always stuck on the Internet and on-line newspapers
Golf is a young Thai who loves nature, lost & OverhaulI, his father when he was young and not surrender to anyone. The owner of the apartment is Peul, a girl addicted to everything about Japan. "

This dorama I met him a week ago, but just since Monday, I started to see it well, and if; is the first Thai drama I've seen in my life xD is too funny plus I love the personality of the characters *-*, sisi, including that of Pat, but I remember a bunch of Barbie in a calibrated novel here called "Love in justodia" LOL, x the form of speech and dress more or less (at least Pat is more tough and wears much better than her ... and not racist as shown in many novels of aca ¬ ¬ 'if Barbie was also reracista 'o'), Golf seems to me the most LOL, but I love her dances like your point m ecologist who has, Mike is love, O;, does not count more, and Peul is just tremendous with men than me (just do bad xD) and fanatical *-* Nipon, haha, I'll see what else goes on, to see more of this drama gives SEE NO END OF

And I hereby Virus Bethoveen see a drama that my sis *-* recommended me, and I will have time to see it (: And I
Also, check over my life " All About Eve" and " Zettai Kareshi "... but definitely not my type, the first reminds me Novek dand here and second, you could say it is VERY freak to me. _.

XD Well what dramas have you seen? Any recommendation more to give? (: I think for me it all, tomorrow I'll go to the movies and nice rest of

Friday, August 7, 2009

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Bedroom' Meme II xD Uni, teachers and rare time XD

Friday 8:30 to 10:00 Statistics University Identity Economy Economy
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Statistics University Identity

10:00 to 11:30 DHP II DHP II
11:30 -1:00
Administration Fund. Derech

Management Fund. of right

4, 00-5:15 English English English English
8:00 to 9:00 TKD Practice Maybe TKD TKD Practice

that made my second semester schedule xD, well ... just need to see how will my social service, perhaps fence what to do with the same teacher from the U that is near here, do not be thing ...go to see it to see if there are still vacancies for the service.

For my first week of class the truth was not bad, although it took an other inconveniences (for example, my damn flu still has not removed me ¬ ¬ 'and still not get used to getting up early ) but still I'm happy with the teachers that touched me, are a bit demanding, especially with my schedule is great not to go on Wednesday, it makes you shorter week XD (though that if ... with a lot of homework, but that get up early ... XD)

Here a few comments about the teachers that touched me:

Statistics: Uribe oo because the teacher could say that still I can not comment much on it, many of my coepsem of graduates who took the basic mate in the first half is very good: 3, explains that if you and all, right now we are seeing statistical concepts so simple yet it does not start well (?) that are exercises xD, but still so, is it cool.

DHP II: The teacher Patty Wow! classes and they are megadinamicas etretenidas ü, also putting into practice our material matter with the race that we have n / / n me quite pleased the teacher (:

Admon II: Professor Mora: 3, already old big boy and still teaches the teacher! xD, as we have not entered fully into the matter until next week, but just seeing the issues that we will see that this is great! (yeah. .. I have Admonitis, windand family; D XD)

University Identity: The teacher Jonas ^ ^, many complain that by leaving the task and the wea lot, but I fell pretty good the teacher (we did in high school) , no ... he wanted made to his class, D, which is the most important.

economic environment (I will call Economy xD): Molina T ^ T I have some weed you that has the face of grumpy (but as Brenda says: that birth is expensive XD) and their exams are something heavy As I have mentioned, but if the matter is pretty ^ ^ lot of talk about global and national economy ^ ^.

Fundamentals of Law: Professor Martina gave me that I played a couple of teachers giving me lessons in the same semester xDDDDDD (Martina and Jonas if ... they are the spouses), it could be said to be very strict, but has the right to be: 3 (clear, not too much), explains quite well the class.

And I think I only offer: 3, English shall begin until 17: 3 so I still do not know my teacher for that matter XD, well ... miss my holiday but be studying is good to be better at Life is about striving.

Aw, and put a meme: 3, you know, are my addiction, taken from my sis ^ ^

sincerely answer the questions, putting the first thing that comes to mind. Do not speak at length too.

1. What I most hate about this time: The hypocrisy and wickedness of the world
2. The most hatedyer: Same to the above question
3. What you hate in a person a liar, hypocrite and just look for their "common good."
4. What you hate the world: Evil in humans
5. What you hate about yourself: I do not control my impulses

1. What do you like right now: Music, art, candy, internet ... the list is long.
2. What I liked most a few years ago: Daniel Radcliffe (?)
3. What do you like in your friends: they'll always be with you through thick and thin and you are reaching forward (:
4. What do you like to have in your mouth: a good chocolate
you 5. What do you like about yourself: will sound weird but my ... ingenuity and sincerity.

1. What else would you like to do now: Keep resting
2. What ever you do, kill someone or deny my beliefs and way of thinking, I myself would like to be hypocritical
3. What you would not like you ever did: to kill a loved
4. What you do before you die: Have fulfilled my dreams and goals and above all, being surrounded by my loved ones and tell them everything that I love
5. What to do with your mother before she dies, her to her last moment. (Like my sis)

1. The animal would not have or crazy as a pet: Rat, A S C O
2. Animal with which you identify: Delfin and riding, I love my freedom and those animals are representatives of freedom
3. Favorite Animal: same as above ^ ^, also love cats and dogs
4. Animal in which you reincarnate: In a unicorn, would live only in the minds of those people I imagine.
5. Animal that made you cry recently: The rat was here in my house D:

1. The name you'd like to have: If I had not called Cecilia, I would like to call Sara
2. The name would you give your son and daughter: I do not have children ina future life
3. The name that you never want to have: Pancras & Filomena xD, or some other weird name: 3
4. The name you have your pet: My dog's name but all told Nyappy pineapple
oo 5. The name of your first pet:

Buggle Bear Men:
1. Thing I envy of men Sometimes your strength so you can hide their feelings oo '
2. Thing you'd like to have as men: Nah
3. Which ever you like having men: machismo and egocentrism
4. First thing you see a man: His eyes are the gateway of the soul
5. Something that would take on the bed to a man this question oonext? xD I do not want malpensa

1. Do you like about being a woman: In nearly all ^ ^ if you love a woman
2. What exchange of women: The rule and pregnancy (?) XD
3. Not to change a woman: Your mind
4. What I hate about having women: rule.
5. What steps should a woman have to be perfect according to you: There is no perfection but something I'm sure, both men and women have a certain beauty that identifies us.

I have ...
1. You have been confused or accused of a lesbian: No.
2. I got their hands in a public place: I do that and let them be, Sterile, no
3. You have stolen something: No.
4. You have been punished for something you have not committed: No
5. I have done something you did not want: people I thought were my friends but it was only by interest

if you ...
1. You broke some important object: Millions, I have butter hands
2. You bought something that you were ashamed: Nah
3. Has sent to hell to get someone with your tastes or your life: Just barely, but if I tell him to calm down or if not attentive to the consequences
4. Seas Cried because someone hurt you: Yes, but I cried more for other things
5. Have you made plans to get even with someone: No I like

& iacute; to:
1. I'd like to meet someone famous: Sure, D
2. I like to travel outside the country: Viajarportodoelmundo ♥
3. I would like to change your wardrobe (clothes, underwear, shoes, etc): Right now I'm pretty bn, thank you very much: 3
4. Would you like to party and do not consider: I do not like parties
5. I would like to share your life with another person: I'm happy with mine

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Staph Symptoms Aching Leg "It reflects my thoughts"

Title: Nothing

Gender: XD-depressing the

R ating: PG

Summary: It's just something I wrote on the bus back home after of a busy day. Dedicated to that special person who is dedicated to follow dreams and tortured in via messenger. Just kidding. It does not purposely: D

Today I have seen, has been by my side and I've even looked at. I heard a "crack" inside me, but I forced smile. For you. For me. I turned to see you go, and I've been about to cry "Beware! These piSando my dreams. "But I lacked the courage. I've only been able to stop watching stay out of my life again. One hand on my arm, urging me forward, toward a bright sun. But today the full moon. And when I was about to turn around and give back forever, entondces, you've tapped. And I've looked at. I heard another crack. I will definitely need a lot of zeal to compose myself. And then you smiled. And preco me that the sun was fading and the moon shone more strongly I tried to convince me that these were the tinted windows of my sunglasses. But no. I welcomed that girl you silly and you have become a smile. Nun ca I thought the full moon could blind me. With a last look at her you're away from your hand, and I've only bothered to whisper: "Look, these stepping on my dreams ..". NA

: Anyone who knows me will know that I'm just sentimental. This was a moment of weakness that I hope will not happen again. Will not believe the people I have feelings


Monday, August 3, 2009

Blood Sugar Levels More Condition_symptoms Meme ... I missed them

I believe and this post and I will do the day tomorrow (now I'm pretty tired, tired the first day of school XD) will be one of the few entries I will write in a looooong D:, I do not know; to see how it will be my final time, I have o.o fear ', fear of not being able to do all the things I want to do, do be able to do? I have the strength and hope to say a *-* SI are the challenges that life puts 3.

What I come to write is a meme questionnaire steal from / , I hope and not bothered to put it and answer it in my LJ (:


xD 3 .- My books / bullrings from primary school o3o (yes, I have not thrown) to the present
4 .- My mega collection bullrings and Hp ♥ my collection of Jack peqe ♥ I hope to then grow more
5 .- ♥ My beloved Laptop
6 .- Ward / Mega TV (which does use XD) / two bookcases (one for books y. .. xD and the other stuffed animals CD's, DVD's, Bibles and magazines)
7 .- porcelain figures.

1. Do you like someone: No (:
2. Does anyone like you?: Nah xD
3. "Last Kiss?:
Nuncalohedadoviteh? *.* 4. Ischatting you coming?: Yeah, my sis ^ ^
5. Do you want a relationship?: Did they want my * uta more full agenda to meet an old man? no thanks (: I need my alone time to
6. Will you marry?: Not really, my life mission is to travel around the world, and I'll never let that desire for anything, also if one day I will find a boy I love, what I most like to live in free union ^ ^
7. You want to kiss someone now: Nah xD


1 .- 2 .- Family Friendly

3.-4 .-
5.-Agua/comida/aire/etc Music (you know ...
comotambieniralbaño physiological needs XD) 6 .-Internet
6 .- Art in general

1. I want my vacation again, O;
2. How will the teachers who touched me tomorrow?
3. "I shall relieve the throat tomorrow? ; _;
4. Damn fucking hot flashes!
5. I need wireless internet as soon as possible.
6. I want to reveal, _ but I can not.
7. It is night (?) Loool

1. Do you believe in God?: Sep (:
2. Did you have a dream that came true?: Not 100% but if little dreams (:
4. Did you sleep well last night : No, for a sore throat
5. Do you have a best friend (s): No, I have several best friends that only count on one hand (and me too many fingers) and they know who they are ♥
6. Do you bathe daily?: SI
7. Did you ever wish to the stars?: Sip n / / n

Seven "EVER"
1. In love?: Crush? of course * ¬ * (although most seem to love pervy XD) in real life once
comodemoniostepuedesenamorardetumejoramigo u_u? Uu I feel silly to admit 2. "Gone out with someone who has a boyfriend (a)?: Nah xD
3. "State in a fire?: In the little mountain
shiii *-* 4. "Run away from home: Nah, that webXD
to 5. "Played strip poker?: What the hell is that? xD
6. "Stayed up all night?: Siii (:
7. Want to be someone else?: No

1." Cried?: Nah
2. "Funny?: For two hours xD
3. Been kissed?: Nah
4. Felt stupid: No
5. Is this a (a) ex?: I never had XD
6. Do you miss someone: No
7. Do you hear music?: Right now I'm doing xD

7 Favourites
1. Ice Cream: Blueberry
2. Lunch: Enchiladas Swiss and Yakisoba & hearts ,
3. Song: Bohemian Rhaposody-Queen
4. Radio: Exa (104.5 FM XD)
5. Channel: Nickelodeon
6. Color: Blue turquoise
7. Movie: Life is beautiful

1. Are you crazy about someone?: Mana-Sama XD *______*, right now with DD Count: malditoh! its kawaiisidad in the manga and mystery in the eggs XD I caught the bastard, Gackt, Klaha ... blabla, long list xD
2. Who in your family is the worst?: Maybe I (?)
3. Have you thrown something at someone: Nah
4. Do you get red when you get angry?: Just zapping to whom I put on my
5. When you're angry, do you prefer to look with anger or cry?: Shout: 3 forso relax my fury xD

1. Do you have a surprise party?: No, but my friends and family surprised me with the details that give me
2. Are you easily impressed?: Do not know, you ... you think?
3. What is event near you anxious?: Cervantes Cervantes * ¬ * wanted to go to the concert in Morelia
GPKISM , but with that which passes it hard =.= narco bn there who knows and can go = / 4. If you win $ 1 million, what would you do with them?: Travel around the world ♥ and the rest is saved or gave it to my mom
5. What would make you feel happy ahora?: Not my sore throat had uu


1. Full name: Ana Cecilia * pasauncocheruidoso * (:

2. Birthday: December 11
3. What is your goal in life: Travel around the world ♥ (I think I have said like 3 times xD)
4. Do you want children?: No, sorry to the mother
5 wood. How would you like to die?: I do not think death is a "pleasant" or a xD want or at least I did

nn Well, that's all before I go to take a shower and sleep (:, good night all

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Maybelline Mousse Blush Pottermania (More Meme included = D)

Merlin's beard, it's almost 15 days I went to see Harry Potter (sisi, the date of July 15 did I miss> u \u0026lt;XD) and still I do not put any reseñao something! u / / u poor neglected LJ (?) XD

After waiting nearly two years after Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, finally premiered the movie of my favorite book in the series "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, "the posters, trailers started coming out from the beginning of this year ^_^)/ and I was dying to see it, feel again Pottermania its had a bit forgotten, but never forsake you, graceHp ias had many experiences, met many cool people including friends, also because I owe on it was the "push" they need to become a fan of literature and film ^ - ^, my first platonic love (Daniel Radcliffe ... pff, what times those) and much more, if ... JK Rowling and her fascinating story my life took a major turn of 360 degrees, I transform into a magical world nuna thought to exist, but really there! or at least in the imagination of fans from reading books or watching movies there! = D
On the movie Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, every minute pasaba made us both eternal my friend Brenda and me each time we expected more and more, the premiere was going to be at 12 am and we had come to the mall at 7, bought some things pottermaniacas xD ( a book of photos of all the movies *-* is great! and some magazines that are very interesting reports on the saga ... were looking prints and album of Harry, but apparently not sold), we expect xD and hope, people started arriving and we were like the only two unique fans (or fanatics veery, with cape, wand and everything: 3 xD) row muggles around us pure Nooo! XD Until we saw that, unlike other years, several young people who hadNo more than 20 years brought Hogwarts uniforms, t-shirts of the house and even saw a pretty cool cosplay XD McGonagall, fanaticism took her OhYeah big people! 8D

Giving my criticism about the movie (which I've seen it twice in the film: one with Brenda and another with my mom XD), the truth is that the wait was worth it, but unfortunately does not fill me, missed many important scenes in the book and added (in my opinion owo) scenes that NOTHING to do with the plot, came to see a moment: a lot of comedy and no action I get to annoy, if also I saw in the previous movie, excellent visual effects for my taste *-*, I loved, but the plot of the book notTT is sometimes feel like I'm watching "Harry Potter and the fight against hormones of puberty in these scenes xDDDD haha okno. My favorite scenes are the wins:

♥ The joke shop Weasley twins' ♥
Attack of Draco / Harry in the bathroom ( Sectumsempra ) Memories of
♥ ♥ The Pensieve
times the actions of Draco (yeah. .. until the kick in the nose that gives Harry xP)
♥ From the scene of the cave until the death of Dumbledore
♥ Quidditch (but need more to my taste, but I feel satisfied with what they put XD)

A very good soundtrack too, no doubt: 3, many of the fans have complained that the film is a mockery of the book, but let = / s almost impossible to sum up almost everything in the book into a movie, or at least so it seems. Although I think JK is a shame to have decided that the same director David Yates, the last hurdle to direct sequel to Harry and to vary in two parts, no ... I would have liked another director of / the have directed, has already made two movies of Hp, which give chace to another dire for another, no? XD. But hey, we'll see how it handles the latest installment, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

rating the movie: I put an 8, nothing more or less: 3

And what also come ... to do a meme pottymanIACO shiii *-* (: I can not help answer it; D, although this in English ^ ^

The Books in Order from Favorite to Least Favorite:
Of those who have read XD:
The Half-Blood Prince The Prisoner of Azkaban, the Goblet of Fire (the first I read) and the Order of the Phoenix

Number of Times You Have Read the Series:
The prince and the prisoner more than 3 times xD I think the order that only two of the calyx and only one, O, I lost the book. _.

Favorite Chapter from Your Favorite Book:
Felix Felicis and the Cave of the 6th book and Bone, meat and blood of the 4th (love the description of Voldemort in the book ... hastto give me some weed, O;)

Five Favorite Characters:
Luna Lovegood, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter

Three Least Favorite Characters :
Severus Snape (that horrible character to see your stupid final in Book 6, disgust> u \u0026lt;, I expected more of the ._.), Dolores Umbridge and Percy Weasley (who does not hate to have a teacher like her xD)

Favorite Member of the Trio : Harry Potter

Three Favorite Magical Creatures:
Hippogryph thestrals and centaurs ... although I also liked them

*-* Favorite Family: The Black
is interestednte know there may be bn bn bad and good in one family

Favorite Villain: Tom Riddle

Favorite Death Eater: Bellatrix Lestrange

Favorite Non-Hogwarts Magical Building:
The Leaky Cauldron

Favorite Diagon Alley Location:

Three Favorite Spells:
Lumos maxima, and Crucio patronum EXPECTRA

Three Favorite Potions:
just remember the varitaserum and felixis felix, and are great *- *

Favorite Unforgivable Curse:

Ro Favorite Department of Mysteriesom:
The prophecies of

^ ^ Biggest Surprise:
The bloody end of Snape (wave me out D: I nearly trauma (?) xD)

Biggest Letdown:
All; O ;, but most of dumbledore, the Sirius and Lupin (And do not know if they are my favorite characters)
And if Harry had died, had definitely been the best of all

Favorite Mode of Transportation:
flu powder! ^ _ ^ or broom

Order Favorite Member: Dumbledore

Favorite pet: Cat
*-* and owl

One Character You'd Bring Back to Life:
if it costs me to say. .. nInguna; Or, for something has died.

Moment That Will Always Make You Cry:
When Sirius died, _;

Favorite Hogwarts Room:
The prefects bathroom * ¬ * XD hahaha, okno, perhaps the Quidditch stadium or
astronomy tower
Favorite Class:
Defense against dark arts, and changes ^ _ ^ = D also History of Magic

Favorite Teacher: Lupin and Mad-Eye

xD Favorite DADA teacher: Lupin
forever ^ ^

Least Favorite Teacher:
None, really o3o (severus, severus ... okno XD, I liked when I was a teacher of potionss xD)

Favorite Non-Human Hogwarts Resident: Hadra
*-* and grap! Favorite Hogsmeade

The 3 brushes (:

Favorite Triwizard Champion:
quemedezapeharry xP, Cedric Diggory ^ ^

Favorite Triwizard Task:

The maze was cool as described by JK ( :

Which Character You'd Ask to the Yule Ball:
would not have gone to the dance xD, or rather, not dance ^ - ^, i would go only if I went with friends: D (you need to go in pairs ! best thing is fun xD xD)

Which Character You'd Like to Use a Love Potion On:
None, the love potionxsjsxhjsjh makes me u_u ', I like that I do the same to my D:

Which Character You'd Like to Use Veritaserum On:
A JKRowling! XD, I left with many questions that would I answered

How Long Have You Been to HP Fan:
I think since 2000 when the first movie came out I was so feliiiz *-*

Favorite Wizard Rock Band:
The Witches of Macbeth, not xD no other

Number of Midnight Releases You Have Attended:

Favorite HP Website:
Harrylatino and HarryptterLA

Most Ridiculous Potter Theory You've Heard: I do not think
Ngun, I'm not reading theories xD

're Character Most Like:
Physically I'm more or less to Hermione but in mind I am totally Loony (Luna Lovegood) or at least I think

House You Think You'd Be Sorted Into:
Ravenclaw forever; D

Your Patronus Would Be A:
Unicorn or any cat *-*

To you, Amortentia Would Smell Like:
Chocolate, Perfume & Rice (I love smells like rice when cocen xD)

You'd Use Felix Felicis To:
definitely to write, or when you have some trouble

school XD The Job You Would Most Like to Try:
CHTMAuror LXC ^ u ^

The Movies in Order from Favorite to Least Favorite:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (my favorittaaa forever, O, the master), Philosopher's Stone, The Prince, The order the phoenix, the Chamber of Secrets and the goblet of fire (which destroyed the book D: no doubt) or

Metammorphmagus Animagus, Animagus

Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans or Chocolate Frogs:
chocolate frogs! : P later in the Bertie Botts not fence me out of mucus or vomit ... D: wacala, a thousand times the chocolate

Black or Lupin:
NOT put me to decide between them, O;, the two
C *-*
Haha, I can not imagine Harry emo xD

Death Eaters or Dumbledore's Army:

Draco or Lucius: Draco
, lucius not is to my liking = /

Durmstrang or Beaubaxtons:
I'll take
Durmstrang or Broom
Floo Powder: Powder

Fred and George:
I never learned to distinguish, I'll be honest, both are great ^ _ ^

Grimmauld Place or The Burrow: Grimmauld Place

Herbology or Care of Magical Creatures:
Critter Care M & Amp; aacute; gicas, herbology biologíay me that stuff sounds kind aburrew me XD

Hippogriffs or Thestrals:
Hippogriffs, although I also love

Invisibility Cloak or Pensieve:
invisibility or Parselmouth


Occlumency or Legilimency:
Occlumency undoubtedly

Nearly Headless Nick or Peeves, Nearly Headless Nick
(haha, as strange to see in the movies uu)

Peter Pettigrew or Mundungus Fletcher:
Ningunoi = /

Professor Binns or Professor Umbridge:
All anyone but Umbridge, so Binns xD

SPEW or the Inquisitorial Squad:

or The Ministry of Magic Gringotts, Gringotts

Werewolf or Inferus:
Lica ; ntropos by lupine nn

Whomping Willow or Flying Ford Anglia:
The ford Anflia of Weasley, what happened to the cheek? XD

or Quidditch Yule Ball Championship: Championship of Quidditch
, *_______* certainly
And so here comes the magic of the meme, O, pity, I enjoyed it so much further that I remembered many things from books dand the story in general. And that continues ahead pottimania
