Friday, December 25, 2009

Ta-tt201 Teletransfer Eve ... witty, unusual

Christmas has a double projection:

  • Remember the beginning of redemption with the birth of the Savior, the central mystery our faith is the Resurrection of Christ as the Passover, this event covers the entire life of Jesus, celebrating Christmas is to solemnize the initial process of our salvation, our Passover.

  • & is now welcome; About girls, or who wants to be born in the heart of man. Christmas party invites reflection on the love of God which comes to men. The Christ who took part in the history of men, two thousand years, lives and continues his mission of salvation within the same human history. Christmas is a divine and human event, which will always be present, while a man on earth.

    These days of peace and love \u0026lt;3, which is to share and remember the birth of Jesus ♥, and especially yesterday, which was Christmas Eve, I spent several things,some good, some bad and some worse (?) but I accept that I had never had a day so ... so many strange events in my life gathered in one day (?).
me what happened? only this ...

► When we went to see the mangers of the churches in the morning we got to see a mass of a deceased body present uu ►
time ago that I never felt engentada TT is horrible)!, I despair and I T___T nausea cause everything to help my aunt to their Christmas shopping. ►
We got to see an abuse in the street later in simple T / / T and as usual we found out ... that was ran over the father of a policy premium (wife of my cousin)! I felt terrible when I heard
► When we went to the mall ... hit me with a tube in the ear T / / T and for a change ... tried to steal the car! when we got back was one of the doors open! Thank God the police arrived on time and did not take anything (and we went without us)
► makeup Me! 'Or' more than just put on my black and blue line in o___o eyes, god! So if it is rare that as well XD fails to cut my hair, I had to adjust my laaaargote crest and my ma 'said seemed emo, _, XD. ►
saw shhjsussg ~ \\ (^ o ^) / (only few people know who he is) on the street, and net me softy emotions (those softy emotions with feelings rare rare but as I was (?)), deprisa, or I could give you greeting, O;. ►
The parade of floats we thought that we would get to see mega xk afternoon) we saw! * O *) / y for a change I found one of my cousins dress was King magician XD wave. ►
Mass Christmas ... well, as always, was beautiful ♥
► For the exchange of Christmas, I asked some of Harry Potter or Queen y. .. Chara! I was given a silver watch with gold details * __ * and to think well ... if I needed a clock: 3 (and do as more than a year since I have one)

much for a day , right?: 3 (: and yet much that day diosfrute ♥ I thanked God that we protect n / /n.
Well on my part is all n / / n and I'll go to sleep, yesterday I slept somewhat late afternoon (at 4 am xD) and I woke up retempra (at 8 XD) and I have right now and sleep or without me I wish ... Coman

overheated! (It tastes richer jiji) No, seriously, I hope you find it genialinoso past with the beings who love and let the child Jesus into your heart ~ ♥


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