C OMMENCEMENT Anoy with a new world of opportunities opens up before us. The time is ripe to reflect internally on past experiences, present and future situations. To learn from the past, enjoy the present and build a better future.
If we stop for a moment, we pause to look back, we realize that we are exactly where we have brought our past actions. Human beings construct their future diaa day through their thoughts, words and actions, and these in turn are shaping the present.
This last day of AnOr, despite everything, it was very quiet and I like that, knowing that and my whole family is in good health (that good cousin; _; these last two days I worry about, but thank God and 're right ^ ^) I've only gone for lunch and visit an aunt and went to church to give thanks ~ ♥ Thank God you left us to live another year, more experience, more learning and especially this year that could , or for me it was pretty cool ... not just x the positive things, if not for the many experiences and knowledge that have been "improved" a bit to me ^ 3 ^ definitely if I get the night lá ; tears to my eyes ... it will be for joy.Purposes? honestly this year notI have, only keep learning to drive and to be more responsible and mature, and continue my professional plans and as a person (stay in the U.S., studying English and Japanese, keep practicing TKD become a better person, be happy ~) and above that and I'll go to live alone to a new city in the middle of the year, and think that this "future" to me so far .. in short, for me in 2010 is challenging to me and with many changes in me, but ... who knows! and has the same taste that I gave in 2009, many surprises, honestly ... I did not think could come true ^ ^.
describe this year as "magical" Why? the surprises that gave me life, I returned to challengeHp sea my bigotry and I repeat the same experiences that I lived with good taste.
And again I do the same meme I did last year lol XD.
1. What did you do in 2009 that have not done before? ♥
study more than one day for a study examining the rate xD ... ♥ Living
university as a friend ... So it was left to live in my house: 3. Traveling by subway
♥ ... yay! (?) XD ♥
View An Cafe, and Cafe Tacuba Emilie Autumn concert
*______* ♥ Being more vain in my image, I accept) : Japanese Study
♥ \u0026lt;3333 ♥ Take
a practice of Tae Kwon Do for 2 hrs; D Ahre XD. ♥
take and not feel any side effects *-* ♥
More Follow estimating each year my family ♥ ^ 3 ^
peqeño Having a pet dog (Nyappy> u \u0026lt;) /) ago 3 years did not have a pet, O;.
2. Will you continue with your New Year's resolutions, or you'll make more for next year?
are very different, and the name above: 3
3. Someone close to you had a child?
No, but expect a birth of a cousin in February prox
CHTMLX year ^ ^C 4. Someone close to you died? Only the mother
counter with which I was taking my practice uu And although not very close, but I take my ♥, Michael Jackson and Jasmine You
5. What countries visited? None owo, Mexico (?)
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? For right now I do not need anything, thank God.
7. What date in 2009 will remain in your memory and why? ♥ Too
, the day of the concert,my day to enter the U.S., Halloween & Dia de Muertos (AAAN celebrates it as it does not hold), Christmas (by events so rare XD).
8. What was your biggest achievement this year? Enter
University and still maintain good grades (in short: not to have failed no matter lol XD)
9. What was your biggest failure? As always ... I won that hurt others uu;
10. Do you have any illness or injury? My patah he injured while practicing TKD, _, and almost a month matuvo me aching and unable to camiNAR bn ¬ ¬ but yet again in a week to go * 3 * and ps nomas flu.
11. What was the best thing you bought? The concerts ♥ souvenirs, and investment by paying Japanese classes * 3 *
12. Does the behavior of those who deserved celebration?
My cousin sometimes even a capricious and mischievous, has matured enough for their old owo, but my ma and my friends will win the grand prize as always ♥
13. Does the behavior of those who made you feel bad and worried?
Miracle! anyone now! or my xD. Well, if it uses to put artista ... Miku): its half-innings in his blog I put some sad emo):
14. "Where did most of your money?
Studies, but it is a good investment ♥ and my trips (including trips to concerts xD)
15. What else made you feel really happy? Switch
University, OR, almost crying when I left knowing that news that EA was coming to Mexico (it was so improvised * announcement a month before he was to give concert here x * and for me it is not exaggeration ; D: \u0026lt;to my EA is my musamadreh ♥)
16. What song reminds you slways 2009? Smile
Michael Jackson 17. Compared to last year, are you?:
I. More happy or sad? Happy cubed (?)
II. More thinner or fatter? Everyone tells me to lose weight, I see myself as o3o, at least something I am sure I have more physical condition that years ago xDDDD
III. More richer or poorer? Richest (?), Rather ... less debt and better recovery of capital, thanks to God ^ ^
18. What things would you have liked to do more?
Going to the beach, no way ... the climI could not make it possible: 3, learn more about graphic design.
19. What things do you wish you had done to a lesser extent? Less nervous and imposed (the latter I think that I will never take off xD)
20. How did you spend Christmas?
Mega rare (?) But very happy at last and out: 3
22. Do you fall in love in 2009?
In life, if a guy ...? I think for now it is my mission to see that sense of "amorsh" thanks ^ 3 ^, or rather ... I think I'm unloved ... and I really feel so much better
23. How many relationshipones in one night? * cricket * XD Sonidito
24. What was your favorite TV show? Simpsons (this year it looks more than other years xD), Dervez Show, Family Pluche ... I'm not much to watch TV.
25. Do you hate someone you do not hate him last year? hate it =.=
26. What was the best book you read? "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "Knight in Rusty Armor"
27. What was your best (re) discoveryin music?
Golf & Mike ♥ and
Pride of Mind (Klaha * O *) / XD)
28. What was it you wanted and get it?
The move to the U, my concert tickets, more patience (not much ... but I'm more patient ^ ^ XD)
29. What did you want and do not get it? Imagination times (many things)
30. What was your favorite movie this year? Angels and Demons, Harry Potter 6, the Orphan .... but what else is love but not estrenadio this year is ", Howl's Moving Castle "love that movie
31. What did you do on your birthday and how old are you?
turned 19, I went to a buffet with my mom and receiving messages from my loved ones ♥
32. What thing would have made this year was immeasurably more satisfying? Nothing, honestly right now this year I'm more than well *________*, well ... think of it, that would not have killed those who died. _. but hey, death is unstoppable (?)
33. How would you describe your personal conceptfashion this year? Normal, as every year (jeans, skirts, coats, shirts) ... I'm not noticing much in fashion ^ ^;
34. What keeps you healthy? Laughing, my loved ones supporting me always have a smile, always think positive and think that all dream can come true, never lose your inner child ... in short, many things
35. Which celebrity or public figure called you the most?
MJ and Jasmine You. _.; Every time I remember the mind is sadness.
anime ... In the "no Naku Koro ni", (Higurashi & unimeko), had long since I felt so softy emotions x anime, and more for Umineko ♥ takes place 3 of my top 10 of my animes views.
36. What political event stirred you the most?
the bitch influenza): \u0026lt;, the global crisis, the disagreement Cophenage plan.
37. Who do you miss? anyone for now.
38. Who was the best person you met?
To all my fellow / profs at the University
39. Tell us one important lesson you learned in 2009:
"Dreams can come true when you least expect it" and "always get what you reap"
40. Quotea the lyric of a song that summarizes your year:
With voices I can not describe my year, honestly how about a song instrumental? Le petite fille de la mer is beautiful, quiet and even a little sad, magic and gives me hope.
Finally, it only remains to thank everyone, my family, friends ... who always supported me and without them this year have definitely been dry and lifeless, thank you very much ^-^)/
Finally, let unas pictures of my last new look, new year, new life and new peloh (?) XD
And finally (I've been saying it since last 3 paragraphs LOL but now it is already the final 'o') x I have to say ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR May all your wishes are met, to fulfill their purposes and this year 2010 be filled with peace, love, health and peace ~ ♥
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