And every time it smells more to Christmas * O * and just this year. _.
These last days I've been sick, O; of the flu, but that has prevented me out and make mine * ¬ * XD, the first week was pretty good XD vagaciones, beginning that I went , Café Tacuba's concert at the fair of Querétaro with my friend Brenda was G E N I A L ♥, according to this we would leave the show at 9:30 ... that is, we went at 11:30 XD, Brend videos I must save, but was half of the people was amazing how many people there was! before fu í we to stand and bought a jacket, kitten, which is pretty cute ~
My jacket * u * and my peqejack ~ ~
We arrived at the Village Theater (where they were going to occur The Café Tacuba) at 8:00, was still missing to begin an hour of crazy and we started to take pictures with passing cosmic lights on stage, how are you:
Yellow rule, I said. Nyappy making your skins in a Cafe Tacuba concert? LOL it only happens to me XD
My right side and the front of Brenda
XDDDDD Anyway, although we were not near the stage mega enjoyed it bastant! only to be heard Be Falling, Rarotonga, No controls (Valgame Mr! o_o did not know what that song was remix xD cafe tacuba is geniaaal XD) and cardinal points I felt more than willing, but we left the half of the concert) and played Chilanga Banda, My darling, you and Ungrateful T_____T at least left me with pity when I did not touch me my favorite song by them when I left: Noon ~ ( L), which although not a song famosisisima of them, I like very much! ~ How many times you ignore small and even though they are, everyday, beautiful things of life?
And here I leave my two videos prefes the concert that I found in the tutubo 'or' XD:
Drop tipin ♪ ... and you go up on stage was so much lol LOL
but most of this video ... was the kind you hear in the video, capable, and I had been near there I would have killed me there and laugh XD.
And yes ... the chicken dance is the most tacuba fuckingluv ~
Eararaea, Rarotonga! \\ (^ O ^) /
The only thing I complain about this concert was the people who was smoking and throwing beer all the time, I felt in football stadiums (which times those xD) but weno, I think in this types of shows have to be so, but that if it was the first day ... thatso hard my clothes smelled like beer and my hair reeking of cigarette lol XD.
And was also my birthday, wow! I believe it is already over a week after my birthday, itself was quiet and my part of my ma got my perfume organza and my pump it up! xD, and many that day remembered me, especially my friends ♥: thanks x __ make this brat is felt dear, O;.
And today is also a very special meet for me ...
Happy b-day miawdoradocholofriki Mike! \\ (^ O ^) /
(do not ask me I say cholo xk ¬ ¬ 'is love * u *) /)
Yes, but this day in 1989 in Thailanda, born as the man most of his family peqeñito * o * Nithipisarnkul Pirat (or better known as Mike x the scene: 3) was born n / / n and today is 20 years old, to Although it is all shy and rather nerdy (I've met who is a fan of various anime XD, as Death Note, and one other videogame k) as I've seen in interviews and videos that is a baby to all to: D I hope and in his birthday had a great time it is found next to your loved ones (this including his brother Golf cholo xD, which is also the wave ^ u ^) /) and continue to implement many more years *-* and all his desires and goals will be met (: ~
LXC imagination, O, did not give more. _. images found at least worthwhile if * u * (wave had pretty good photos, but did not have the quality I wanted. _.)
By the way, today I found this video daraoke (?) of them, XD HAHAHAHA, I keep seeing is that amuses me enormously since the beginning and end, is that these brothers never stop having fun XD
Note I: You do not do playback at Mike! xD god! every gesture he makes.
Note II: Golf Rigo reminds me in this video xD, the clothes will therefore XD oo
Note III: When Mike is pure canda BOTANA XD Golf movements and laughter are not Mike pX___D tough
Note IV: Time 2:14 *--* Mike saying Bye-bye! everything goes kawaii!
Note V: Tears Golf fake lol xD.
Note VI: Golf hanged with micro
XDDDDD Ya, okay, I will control, to the throat right now and it hurts me so much laugh all day saaanto XD.
These last days I've been sick, O; of the flu, but that has prevented me out and make mine * ¬ * XD, the first week was pretty good XD vagaciones, beginning that I went , Café Tacuba's concert at the fair of Querétaro with my friend Brenda was G E N I A L ♥, according to this we would leave the show at 9:30 ... that is, we went at 11:30 XD, Brend videos I must save, but was half of the people was amazing how many people there was! before fu í we to stand and bought a jacket, kitten, which is pretty cute ~
My jacket * u * and my peqejack ~ ~
We arrived at the Village Theater (where they were going to occur The Café Tacuba) at 8:00, was still missing to begin an hour of crazy and we started to take pictures with passing cosmic lights on stage, how are you:
Yellow rule, I said. Nyappy making your skins in a Cafe Tacuba concert? LOL it only happens to me XD
My right side and the front of Brenda
XDDDDD Anyway, although we were not near the stage mega enjoyed it bastant! only to be heard Be Falling, Rarotonga, No controls (Valgame Mr! o_o did not know what that song was remix xD cafe tacuba is geniaaal XD) and cardinal points I felt more than willing, but we left the half of the concert) and played Chilanga Banda, My darling, you and Ungrateful T_____T at least left me with pity when I did not touch me my favorite song by them when I left: Noon ~ ( L), which although not a song famosisisima of them, I like very much! ~ How many times you ignore small and even though they are, everyday, beautiful things of life?
And here I leave my two videos prefes the concert that I found in the tutubo 'or' XD:
Drop tipin ♪ ... and you go up on stage was so much lol LOL
but most of this video ... was the kind you hear in the video, capable, and I had been near there I would have killed me there and laugh XD.
And yes ... the chicken dance is the most tacuba fuckingluv ~
Eararaea, Rarotonga! \\ (^ O ^) /
The only thing I complain about this concert was the people who was smoking and throwing beer all the time, I felt in football stadiums (which times those xD) but weno, I think in this types of shows have to be so, but that if it was the first day ... thatso hard my clothes smelled like beer and my hair reeking of cigarette lol XD.
And was also my birthday, wow! I believe it is already over a week after my birthday, itself was quiet and my part of my ma got my perfume organza and my pump it up! xD, and many that day remembered me, especially my friends ♥: thanks x __ make this brat is felt dear, O;.
And today is also a very special meet for me ...
Happy b-day
(do not ask me I say cholo xk ¬ ¬ 'is love * u *) /)
Yes, but this day in 1989 in Thailanda, born as the man most of his family peqeñito * o * Nithipisarnkul Pirat (or better known as Mike x the scene: 3) was born n / / n and today is 20 years old, to Although it is all shy and rather nerdy (I've met who is a fan of various anime XD, as Death Note, and one other videogame k) as I've seen in interviews and videos that is a baby to all to: D I hope and in his birthday had a great time it is found next to your loved ones (this including his brother
LXC imagination, O, did not give more. _. images found at least worthwhile if * u * (wave had pretty good photos, but did not have the quality I wanted. _.)
By the way, today I found this video daraoke (?) of them, XD HAHAHAHA, I keep seeing is that amuses me enormously since the beginning and end, is that these brothers never stop having fun XD
Note I: You do not do playback at Mike! xD god! every gesture he makes.
Note II: Golf Rigo reminds me in this video xD, the clothes will therefore XD oo
Note III: When Mike is pure canda BOTANA XD Golf movements and laughter are not Mike pX___D tough
Note IV: Time 2:14 *--* Mike saying Bye-bye! everything goes kawaii!
Note V: Tears Golf fake lol xD.
Note VI: Golf hanged with micro
XDDDDD Ya, okay, I will control, to the throat right now and it hurts me so much laugh all day saaanto XD.
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